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The young man brushed his hand against his long-sleeved powder blue hanbok, his durumagi was stained with multiple pigments coming from his paintbrush which was covered aswell in shades of dark green, orange and gray. Since the early hours of the morning, a blank canvas was being transformed into a beautiful, breath-taking scene. Tall, dark mountains were being lightened up by the morning sun, a small bird seemed to be singing a stunning melody, its grey feathers showed he was young, thus the mom wasn't probably far. The glistening grass from the early morning fog was yet to be painted, waiting for his turn as his author was in deep thought. With a small huff, the tall man who radiated calmness, but also a strange wave of power, put down his paintbrush. Admiring his still unfinished work, he turned around slowly only to be met with a rather handsome figure standing in the doorstep.

« Hyung, would you mind going on a ride with me? You're pretty occupied these days » the velvety-like voice said.
« As much as i'd like, Namjun-ah, you know I can't go outside except for official business. The farthest I can go is the garden, would you like me to accompany you there? » the now sitting male said, a small pout on his cherry coloured lips. He too, wished to see more of the outside life, but unfortunately, only those of a lower status then him could go out of the royal house and their gardens as they wished. As the third prince and the youngest, Namjun could do as he liked most of the time, except for cutlery lessons, reading and dancing lessons.

« But hyung! Cloud is bored out of his mind, this poor horse of yours is gonna die before you ride him for the fifth time. »
« No. » althought a little tired, King Taehyung answered simply and shortly « I know he is Joon-ah, please take him out on a run for me, I am unable to do it at the moment. Now if you excuse me, I have important matters to attend to. Please ask the maids to enter my quarters so I can get properly dressed. »
« Of course, Hyungie, I'll do so right away. » as the ashy blonde-haired man left without another word, his footsteps resonating on the hardwood floor. A little while later, two manservants entered, head down, bowing to their king.
« Your majesty » as they said in harmony, their voice blank of any emotions. King Kim Taehyung was a well respected man, few people had seen his handsome features except for his close family, friends and maids. With an emotionless look, he ordered the two young boys to dress him accordingly to his day. His red tunic was fast adjusted to his body with his royal gat, black kkotsin
With golden sakura flowers embroided into it worn to perfection. As the manservants left the room in silence, he got out of his room, his direction, the throne room. Tons of work and demands from his people were waiting for him to be read and answered.


Hyungdae was tired. His night consisted of garding the royal doors, the other guard had fallen deeply sick, thus he accepted to take his shift. The man's vision was far too foggy for his own liking, his job, if not done correctly, could get him killed. A few yawns escaped his mouth, waiting for something thriving to happen. The doors suddenly opened, a signal that someone was getting in.

« Halt! Who goes? » now on high alert, his eyes focused on a long purple figure. « I'm sorry my lord, you may pass » he said as he bowed to higher rank. « Return to your position, knight. » said Jeongguk. He had returned from town with decorations for the upcoming prince's birthday. His hands full of necessities like flowers and confirmations of expected deliveries made for the 4th of December. The knight could also never forget dear Seokjin's favorite crystals, bought from the most prestigious store in town. The first snow hadn't fallen yet, so the party would occur outside per the Prince's demands. Jeongguk continued his walk to the servant hall, his intention to give all the items to the maids so they could do their work and organise everything neatly. As he passed by the throne room, he heard loud and angry voices, words were muted but some could be perceived with good hearing.

« No!.....why?.....don't need....shall....punished!.....atrocities!... » the knight accelerated his steps, the least he wanted was to be caught snooping around.

As he finally arrived, SoYoung accepted with gratitude the items, promising to place them before tomorrow. Jeongguk then returned to his chambers, his much needed break finally arrived after a tiring day. As he put his boots down, knocking could be heard from his door. « who shall It be? » the knight said, surprised to receive visit at this time of the day. Two dimples made their appearances in the doorstep, a wide smile following them.
« Hi Jeongguk-ah, care for a little bit of horsebackriding? »
Said boy smiled wide and answered: « sure Namjunie-hyung, let me put my attire on! »

The two friends then retired to the stables, a needed talk between them about their day occured as the sun set down for the night.

Hi lovelies! Every chapter, if some words are not commonly used, i'll write the definition at the end, so feel free to go check them out if you don't know what they mean!

Definitions of certain words:
-hanbok: traditional menwear during the Joseon Dynasty
-Durumagi: a traditional overcoat worn on occasions over the traditional jacket and pants
-Gat: traditional hat worn by korean noble men in the Joseon Dynasty
-kkotsin: silk shoes with flower patterns on them, worn by noblemen and women during the Joseon Dynasty

0n this note, I wish you all a good day and Mila out!

Mila_Lovedor xxx

Ōsama •Taegi AU•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora