Kingdoms + map

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Welcome to Ōsama! We do hope you will enjoy your stay within our walls! Please tell us, which Kingdom Is your home for the time you spend at our side?

Nox Caelo Kingdom (Night Sky Kingdom): Named like this because of their reputation which is having a clear view of the full-stars sky at night. Their residents are shy and mostly keep to themselves, but are sweet and good listeners. Situated from North-West to South-West, their temperatures may vary. It can go from a hot sunny day to a cold winter night. More facts may appear later...

Kingdom of Nix ( Snow Kingdom): Named like this because of their territory. You will never find a sad soul in this white desert. Everyone lives a happy life, the cause is simple, they are all treated like equals compared to the other 2 kingdoms which works differently. Even their king lives among them, the castle being only for parties, birthdays and more. They are situated in the North and have the smallest territory. Even though the mood is warm, the temperature definitely is not. A lot of snowstorms may occur during a week, but even so, avalanches do not occur often. More facts may appear later...

Kingdom of  Noctis (Night Kingdom): Named like this because of their longer nights caused by the many trees hiding the castle and the village. The biggest of the 3 Kingdoms. The residents are a mix of Kingdom Nox Caelo, Nix and a mix Of Noctis, (The main castle's original residents being humble and outgoing) because each and every commoner has traveled or lived in Noctis at least once in their Lifetime.  Situated in the center/South-East, They are known for being the "trading center" between every castle, for the peace they bring and the magnificent ball they place. Their mysterious king which most only know the name of, King Kim Taehyung, has ruled for over 6 years, taking the throne at age 19. More facts may appear later...

So where do you plan to live this adventure at?

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