Day four-After Hours-

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(((frerardy vibes)))

Me and Brendon walked up to the park after school to get picked up. Usually, I made him carry me, since I'm a short twat with little corgi legs.

Today was different, as I was preparing to get on my friend's back, Gee came running after us.

"Frankie wait!" He gasped for air, stopping in front of us. "Do you think I can come over to yours today to practice for the talent show?"

"Oh, yeah sure," I nodded, awkwardly getting off Brendon's back. "My dad won't mind, are your parents okay with it?"

"Yeah," Gee took his phone out of his back pocket. The butt pocket.


"I just need to text my mom, one second," He stuck his tongue out in concentration and typed on it. "Kay lets go then."

Gee walked with us, and instead of Brendon giving me a ride, I was lifted up onto Gee's shoulders, which were quite nice I might add.

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"Dad, this is Gee," I said, getting into the back seat with my new friend.

"Hello, sir, I like you car," Gee smiled, shaking my dad's hand.

"Thanks, kid," He turned his focus on the wheel and we drove off to my house, which really wasn't that far away, like I said, I have little corgi legs.

In a matter of a few minutes, we pulled up in front of the house, and I ran outside, with Gee close behind me.

"We'll be upstairs!" I shouted and ran up to my room.

At the top of the stairs, I had to stop to catch my breath, leaning against the banister. Gee caught up to me.

"Are you okay, Frank?" He asked, putting a hand out on my shoulder.

The butterflies were having a field day.

"Yeah, thanks," I shrugged off my backpack and carried it to my room, throwing it onto me bed.

Gee put his down and sat down next to me on the bed, which I was stretched out on, catching my breath.

"So," he started, looking around my room, which was painted black and orange. "You want to make me disappear?"

"Hell yeah," I grinned.

"Okay, but how're we going to do that?" Gee tilted his head, leaning back down on the bed to be next to me.

"You'll see," I giggled mysteriously.




I'm hungry bye}

~Wishing Wells & Magic Spells~


Xo,Gee {frerard}Where stories live. Discover now