Day Five

196 20 13

(((I got a little stuffed alpaca and I named him Tom)))

Today was the day that we had try outs for the talent show. Me and Gee had practiced our act for the rest of the day and he stayed the night.

Ryan and Brendon were nervous as all heck. Ryan's hands were sweating like crazy, and Brendon had chewed his nails so much that they were practically non existent.

I wasn't at all scared.

It wasn't like I really wanted to do the talent show anyways, but Gee really wanted and he was pretty much my only motivation.

Before school, I found a small white rabbit hiding under one of the fences. Some eighth graders were throwing rocks at it, and it looked really scared.

"Hey, stay away from that bunny!" I yelled, storming up to them.

They grumped away, leaving me to take care of the rabbit. I guessed they didn't want to get in trouble with the security guards.

"Hi there, little one," I said to it, I sat down on the ground to look at the bunny. It whimpered softly and I held my hand out to it.

"I won't hurt you," It licked my hand and stepped out from under the fence. One of it's ears was dropping and bent at an odd angle.

"Aww poor baby," I picked it up gently and carried it up to the nurse to get some bandages for it's ear.

The nurse took the bunny from me and placed it on one of the beds. "I'll get something for him, don't worry Frank."

"He's a boy, then?" She nodded and went to the cabinets to get the bandages. I looked at the bunny and tried to think of a name for him.

"Hmm, you look like a Travis," I poked his nose gently and he nudged my hand, as if he was saying yes.

"Here we are," She brought over the bandages and wrapped up his ear and gave him a kiss on the head. "You can come get him after school, thank you for helping him Frank."

"No problem," I smiled. Maybe I should tell Gee about our new bunny.

I found him waiting for me by the seventh grade area. "Gee I have a new pet rabbit!" I squealed.

"Really?" He jumped up and smiled widely. "What'd you name it?"

"His name is Travis and I rescued him from getting hurt by some jerks."

"That's really great, Frankie," He pulled me in for a hug and I leaned on him, feeling so very happy.

Idk I like bunnies

If I had a bunny, his name would be Patrick bc Patrick Stump is bae af

Also I'm listening to Blink 182 bc I love them so much and it's weird MCR isn't even my favorite song lmao.

~Wishing Wells & Magic Spells~


Xo,Gee {frerard}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن