Day One

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"Frank!" I heard a voice behind me, and a piece of rolled up paper was flicked at my head. I turned around to see my best friend, Brendon, motioning at the paper, indicating that I should open and read it.

It read: There's something important on the news show this morning, can you actually pay attention?

I turned around to look at him and just shrugged. I didn't ever pay attention to the morning announcement show. I always zoned out when stuff was longer than five minutes. Except for movies, because they're not boring.

Right now, there was just people talking about what the cafeteria was dishing out later today, not exactly important.

There was an intermission after the last segment, an a banner flashed, showing the words: Talent Show.

I looked back and Brendon and he looked excited. A talent show? He wanted me to do a talent show? I don't really have much talent. Well, they did allow somebody in last year who walked up to the microphone, made a goat noise, and walked off. And you had to try out for it too.

There was one thing I could do. I was actually somewhere decent at magic tricks. My uncle had been teaching me simple card tricks since I was six years old.

I could at least try. It couldn't hurt, I guess.

~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~ & ~

At lunch, I sat with my friends, which I had quite a few of. They consisted of Brendon, Ryan, Patrick, and Pete.

I'd known Brendon all my life, all twelve years. Our parents were good friends and he was at my house for dinner everyday. I knew his biggest secret as well.

He was in love with Ryan.

I kind of found it out by myself, it was so obvious I'm surprised Ryan himself doesn't know.

Brendon wasn't exactly gay, he just liked whoever he wanted. He generally doesn't care about a person's gender.

I didn't really know what sexuality I was. People say I shouldn't worry because I'm only twelve, but that never stops me.

Girls were pretty and all, but the guys at my school were just so good looking. It's all very confusing, especially since I don't really have crushes on people. If I found someone attractive, that was it. It never developed into anything more than aesthetic attraction.

The female species tended to avoid me anyways. There were guys at school with deep voices, probably more desirable than me. My voice is still high up and squeaky. I hated the sound of myself talking most of the time. It didn't sound right, even though people told me it suited my height.

I am short, and I don't really care if I get made fun of for it. I'll probably grow soon, anyways.

{Hello, my children, and parent *coughs* Cole.

more fanfic cuz inspiration *farts rainbow*

Enjoy, I love you <3}

Wishing Wells & Magic Spells

Caylan ;3

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