Day two

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The next day at school, I received a note, dropped in my backpack in the morning. I had been hanging out with Brendon and my other friends, away from my backpack. We were talking about the talent show.

Brendon was going to be in it with Ryan. They were going to be playing guitar and singing together. I knew they would get a spot after auditions, those two were the best at harmonizing.

Ray was going to play guitar with Patrick and Pete, with Patrick singing. As for me, I was all alone in this.

I wasn't even sure I wanted to be in the show. If I was by myself, then it wouldn't be as fun, really.

I knew I was good at magic. Back when I was nine, I went around the mall doing tricks for people, earning tips that I used to pay for my mom's medicine.

Every year, when we ate with my relatives, I entertained them with tricks. I had even gotten away with stealing my evil aunt's wallet. My mom noticed I took it, but said nothing, for which I was grateful.

"You're going to do magic, right Frank?" Ray asked, snapping me out of my thinking session.

"Uh, yeah, I might," I ran a hand through my hair. "I might not, I don't have anybody to do it with."

"That's what she said." Brendon laughed at me. I rolled my eyes. This is the kind of thing that happens everyday. I would say something I didn't realize sounded very dirty, and Brendon or Pete would point it out.

"Whatever you guys," I laughed with them as the bell for first period rang. I said goodbye to them and ran back to my homeroom.

When I reached my backpack, I found a folded up note stuck in between the straps. I picked it up and unfolded it.

The first thing that I noticed was the kiss mark in the bottom corner, which made my cheeks flush.

The note was written in red pen and the writing was very neat. It read:

I heard you know about magic, Frankie. Xo, Gee.

My eyebrows raised at the last line. Who was Gee? It didn't bother me, I could just ask Brendon in second period.

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"Do you know anybody named Gee, Brendon?" That was the first thing that I said to my friend when I reached my second class of the day.

"Yeah, why?" He asked. Brendon knew just about everybody in the school. I had no idea how, I had a terrible memory and couldn't memorize people's names.

I handed him the note and his eyes widened. "Gee's the eighth grader, you know, always with a leather jacket and black jeans even when it's really hot?"

My eyes widened. "That Gee?" Oh my God, did Gee want to be in the talent show with me?


I'm writing a lot rn cuz I'm going to be gone most of today so

enjoy loves, ;3}

Wishing Wells & Magic Spells,


Xo,Gee {frerard}Where stories live. Discover now