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"Lixie, where's Hyunjin and Yeona?" Jisung asked.

Felix looked up,

"I don't know. Where have you been bitch?"

Jisung realised that Felix was drunk, so was Hiah and Seungmin who had put their heads down on the table and fallen asleep. The party seemed to have died down.

It was way past 2 in the morning and everyone was starting to get tired.

"I just had some stuff. "

Jisung wondered about what to do, he alone couldn't make all three of them go home and neither could he just sit here and watch them .

Not founding the courage to call Yeona, he dialed in Hyunjin's number but it straight up went to voicemail.

Dejected, Jisung sat next to Felix was barely awake and grabbed a drink for himself.

In the hours he spent after Yeona had confessed to him, he had called Minho.
Told him everything.

Told him that he cried upon hearing about their engagement but he doesn't want to be with Minho , again. He wanted to know if that's normal.

He also told Minho about what happened with Yeona and received a hell lot of swears from the guy about not treating her right.

"JISUNG ARE YOU NUTS?!" Minho had yelled over the phone. "Even if you didn't like her , how could you just rudely walk away when someone is being so genuine about their feelings to you!!??"

Jisung had failed to answer and Minho continued.

"I expect better from you , sung. I don't care if you like Yeona or not but she's a great person and she has helped you a lot. I know you're egoistic and what not but please..just please apologize to her. "

"I will." Jisung said lowly.

And that's what he was going to do when he saw Yeona running towards the venue but failed.


Hyunjin was tired but the tension didn't allow him to sleep. The train was scarcely populated, he was expecting that on a 2 am train.

He stretched his arms and glanced at Yeona, fast asleep next to him on her seat.

He was supposed to comfort Yeona but now it was the other way around and he felt bad about it.

Hyunjin teared up as he remembered all the happy memories with his mom throughout the years. He missed her and felt guilty about how he celebrated her leaving a few months back.

When he was a kid, Hyunjin believed that love and hate were feelings that were supposed to be miles away from eachother but as he grew up , he realised that love and hate are like next door neighbours with very thin wall between them.

And he realised it through his mom.


Hyunjin and Yeona rushed into the hospital and enquired at the front desk, asking for the patient.

"Room 379" the receptionist says .

Hyunjin was so anxious, he couldn't breathe, like something heavy was pushing down his chest as he ran up with stairs to the cabin floor .


Jeongin was the first one to notice Hyunjin and Yeona as they made their way .

"Innie, what happened to mom? "Hyunjin cried.

"She tried to commit suicide.." Jeongin looked at his feet, not knowing how to make it less shocking for Hyunjin.

"WHAT? WHY ? I DON'T UNDER- OH GOD!" Hyunjin was at a loss of word.

"Hyunnie, Yeona..you are here." His dad came up and put his hand around Hyunjin's shoulder. " Hyunjin, she's okay. The doctor said that not much blood was lost so they will keep her here for two more days and then let her go."

Yeona felt a weight lift off her chest at that piece of information.

"Dad..why would mom do that? I don't understand.. she was okay when we last met." Hyunjin said through his sobs.

"Hyunnie, you know that your mom and I don't talk . I am sorry but I have no idea.. it's god's grace that Jeongin was there at the right time." His father explained.

"Innie, thank you. " Hyunjin held the young one's hands. "Thank you."

"Uh- no it's okay.. Hyung." Jeongin said shyly. He wasn't used to having any attention from Hyunjin although he admired him from afar.
Hyunjin was like a role model to him.

"Yeona , Hyunjin..you both should go home and freshen up. Your dad and I are here , just get some rest and you can visit your mom in the morning." Mrs. Yang suggested.

"No, I won't leave mom." Hyunjin sniffled.

"Hyunnie, I am pretty sure your mother won't like seeing you so disheveled. Take rest and come back early in the morning." His father added. "Then you can stay here, beside her as long as you want."

Though reluctant, Hyunjin finally agreed and they both left with Jeongin.


Once at Hyunjin's father's home, Jeongin showed them each of their rooms .

Hyunjin went straight to bed after freshening up however Yeona was quite hungry and couldn't sleep and on top of that, she hadn't informed her mom that she was in town.

Hearing the sound of what felt like a glass falling, Yeona walked out of her room and went towards the kitchen only to find Jeongin fidgeting with the utensils.

"Oh I am so sorry noona, I must have waken you up." Jeongin apologized.

"No no! I wasn't even sleeping..I was actually..a bit hungry." Yeona said awkwardly.

"Oh!" Jeongin seemed relieved. " Actually same..I am pretty hungry too but I only know how to make ramen. Should I make for you too? "

"Yes please! " Yeona said. "Also junior, when did you learn to drive so well?"

Although Hyunjin and Jeongin weren't that close, Yeona and Jeongin were on pretty good terms although it was mostly formal.

Jeongin and Yeona were in the same singing class when they were young which gave rise to this somewhat feeble friendship.

"I learned it soon after I got into senior high!" Jeongin said excitedly. "Now dad lets me drive him to places sometimes!"

The duo catched up a little bit as they ate the ramen in the ungodly hours of the morning. After they were done, both of them retired to their individual rooms, drifting off to sleep after an exhausting day.


I don't know if you guys are confused about anything..so if there's anything you wanna ask please comment.

Not me casually updating for the 3rd time today-

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