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TW// if you have body image issues or ED or anything close to that, I recommend not reading this chapter. Thanks I love you ❣️

"Hiah, why don't you move back to the dorms?" Yeona asked . " Now that I know you well, it would have been fun to live close."

"Not you suggesting my girlfriend to move out of my apartment right Infront of my salad." Seungmin playfully glared at Yeona.

"That's a pizza. " Felix chuckled.

"I mean I would but then I will never wake up for classes." Hiah shrugged, " Minnie wakes me up everyday."

"Wow!" Hyunjin exclaimed. " Can't believe there's someone Seungmin doesn't want to kill everytime a minor inconvenience occurs."

"It's just you, Hyunjin." Seungmin scoffed. " I treat everyone else nicely."

Everyone burst out laughing while Hyunjin made a face.

"Are you still nervous, hannie?" Yeona leaned in to ask when no one was looking.

"No." Jisung smiled widely. " Infact I really like everyone here! Thanks for forcing me to come."

"Hey, I didn't force you!" Yeona replied, clearly offended at the accusation.

"ahaha sure!" Jisung giggled.


Hyunjin's mom was gone the next morning and thankfully Yeona didn't had to cross paths with her again. Hyunjin was going to join classes later. She was in fact, really happy about it although she didn't show it infront of anyone.

That would be inappropriate , afterall she was still Hyunjin's mom who raised him alone.

" I am so hungry!!" Jisung yelled in her years to pull her out of the thoughts." Can you please walk faster or I will faint."

"You literally ate a bag of chips like 30 minutes ago, Han." Yeona rolled her eyes.

Lunch was twenty minutes ago but they had to perform a practical and due lack of equipments, they were the last ones to perform it , making them late for lunch.

"The chips are already digested." Jisung complained. "WHY DO THEY ALWAYS JUST MAKE CHEESE SANDWICHES!!!"

They were apparently very , very late because only two sandwiches were left and no coke, what a bummer.

"I don't even like cheese , oh my god!" Yeona would have went to any nearby restaurant but she was too hungry to wait for so long.

They grabbed the food and walked out when Yeona's phone rang. It was a call from her mom.

"Maaa! How are you?"

Jisung leaned against the wall, munching on the sandwich as he saw Yeona's face lit up all of a sudden.

"Really? "

"Oh my god! Hang on, I will be there."

"Hannie!" Yeona jumped up and down in excitement. "My mom is here!!"

"Ohmygod!" Jisung was happy to see her smiling so wide.

" She's outside the campus gates, will you like to come? I can introduce you as my friend." Yeona asked excitedly, "she will be really happy to know I have made a new Friend."

" Uh sure!" Jisung said a little nervous.

He had to practically run with Yeona to the main gate, she seemed to be really close to her mom . Jisung missed his parents too, it's been long since they had seen eachother.

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