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"You don't have to wait with me sungie, go ahead. I can wait for Hyunjin alone." Felix said glancing at Jisung.

"I am not waiting with you for Hyunjin, I am waiting for Yeona." Jisung scoffed.

"Hey, that's not something nice to say!" Felix made a face. "But what happened yesterday? Why was her dad like that?"

"I have no idea.." Jisung muttered truthfully. The scene from yesterday was a traumatic experience for him, something he would not like to see ever again.

"Did you talk to Yeona after that? Is she okay?" Felix worried.

"She wasn't online on the messaging app." Jisung sighed.

"Dude just call her." Felix gave him a look.

"We didn't exchanged numbers." Jisung felt incredibly stupid Saying it out loud. He is so close to call Yeona one of his closest friends and yet it didn't click his mind to take her number.

"Jisung- i-oh my god." Felix sighed defeated by Jisung's stupidity. As if it wasn't dumb enough to not have her number in the first place, he didn't even asked Felix .

Felix could've easily get it from Hyunjin if jisung asked him once.
"You could've asked me ji, I would have got it from Hyunjin."

Jisung had a moment of realization. He had those every once in a while, at this point he was convinced there was something wrong with the wirings of his brain.

"Hi guys!" Hyunjin crashed himself onto both of them . "Good morning!"

"Morning, hyun!" Felix said it back excitedly.

"Good morning, Hyunjin why is yeon not here yet?" Jisung asked noticing that the girl wasn't infact behind Hyunjin.

"She's taking a day off, all the crying led her to catch a cold." Hyunjin sulked. " Gosh, her dad is a bitch."

" I agree." Jisung replied immediately.

"Do you mind sharing why is he such an asshole?" Felix asked.

Hyunjin hanged each of his arm around the other two boys as they walked towards their classes under the soothing sunlight of arriving autumn.

"When Yeona was in third grade, she won a singing competition and all the judges said that she had a lot of potential. " Hyunjin stated. "It got into her dad's head. He desperately wanted her to become a singer and get to the top.

He would enroll her for all kinds of competition but in all fairness, Yeona didn't win all of them which is natural but her dad would make a big deal out of it everytime."

"Mans got no chill." Felix rolled his eyes.

"And because of that she started losing all her confidence little by little with each lose and by the time we were friends which was like in.. seventh grade? Yeah by then she just didn't wanted to sing anymore.

Yeona developed anxiety and would mess up on auditions but her dad believed it was because she wasn't good looking enough for the industry."

"That's so fucked up." Jisung took a shaky breath. " That's just really fucked up."

"Yeah and then she never got the treatment instead everything her dad fueled it more and which ultimately led her to hate herself the most. " Hyunjin sighed.

" Did she ever wanted to become a singer though?" Felix wondered.

"Yeona loves singing but she never wanted it to be her profession. She always wanted to do something cool..like forensics." Hyunjin smiled fondly at the memories. " In the 7 years of our friendship, I have only seen her sing Infront of me thrice and that's it."

Jisung didn't say anything. Not that he couldn't find words..of course he could say shallow things like 'oh that's sad' but he just imagined what it all would be for a kid of grade three.

All that pressure, all the self doubt slowly getting to her and how there was no help even when she reached out for help, she had to stand up by herself all the time.

"Hyunjin, can you give me her number?" He asked.

"YOU GUYS HAVEN'T EXCHANGED NUMBERS?!? NO WONDER WHY YEONA THINKS-" Hyunjin almost spilled it , thanks to his mouth he has no control over.

"Thinks what?" Jisung questioned.

"Thinks that..that she, no, I mean that no wonder she thinks you are a bit dumb hahaha.." Hyunjin laughed nervously.

"She what now?!" Felix burst out laughing. " Yeona is smart, i see."

"So funny huh." Jisung made a face as Hyunjin gave him the number and after bidding Goodbye to both of them , he ran out.

"Fuck these classes."

Yeona stumbled once as she reached for the door at 9 in the morning.
"Hello-oh hannie?"

"Just dropping by to annoy you." Jisung smiled.

"Oh, come in." Yeona shifted to the side to make a way for him. " Aren't you going for classes?"

"No." Jisung plopped on the bed beside her. "I heard you were sick so I thought why not check up on you."

"Thanks ..do you want coffee or- Actually I only have coffee so do you want water or coffee?" Yeona asked getting up. " Hyunjin bought a lot of snacks so we can have some! "

" Just water." Jisung replied. "Oh by the way , I read in the uni forum that they will host a costume party for October. "

"Oh jeez wow." Yeona sat back down after giving jisung his glass and tore a pack of chips. " What's the theme?"

" I don't know. " Jisung shrugged. "What do you think we should dress up as?"

" You can be a homeless quokka." Yeona giggled, Hyunjin was indeed right about it.

" A homeless..Yeon this is disappointing coming from you." Jisung puffed his cheeks in anger. " Do I look like one?"

"Yeah.." Yeona admitted. " Or you can also dress up as a vampire or werewolf.."

"Ooh nice idea!" Jisung mumbled. "Oh by the way , don't worry about work and stuff. If you want to take a few more days off then I can provide you with the notes."

"Awww thank you!!"

"Yes and guess what results of the last class test came out and you scored a 99!" Jisung threw his hands out in celebration.

"Jisung..it was out of 200… right?" Yeona chuckled.

"Well..yeah.." jisung scratched the back of his neck. "I mean I scored a 68 so.."

"Atleast you are not failing." Yeona laughed. "We can graduate together!"


Give me some ideas about Han and Yeona y'all :)

Everlasting || Han JisungМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя