"The order of the steps isn’t important. Either way, we end up the same place." Grabbing my glass of water I lift my glass up in the air and looking at my gesture he raises his champagne glass too.

Sipping a little bit I gulp the cold water and wash off the food with it down my throat before I look back at the woman in silver. Staring over to the next table where she's standing and talking with Landon's sister-in-law and her husband, Todd with their little boy in his lap. That bitchy sister says something to Tessa before pulling her arms and taking a selfie with her wineglass and my woman at her side. They take another one as Tessa chug down the whole champagne glass that the bitchy sister forced her to drink. Annoying ass woman.

My eyes moves over to a man on wheelchair at that bitchy woman's left side with no emotion. He looks sad if I guess that right looking at his expression. I won't complain if my life turn out like him, paralyzed and on the wheelchair in his ex's wedding and sitting next to the loud woman, I would surely be sad too.

"Why he is here?" I ask Landon as he look where my stare at. "What's the reason?"

"Amir?" He spells his name and I nod. "I don't think you'd get my reason why I invited him."

"Try me," I challenge.

"Because Nora and I both like him and I want him here. He and I are very close friend."

"He's your wife's ex." I point out.

"A good one." He fires back.

"I won't be friends with my wife's ex nor I'd invite him in my wedding." Like what the fuck, it's bullshit, innit it?

"Because your wife's exs won't be as good as mine." I won't argue there. Tess's, my future wife's exs are shit as fuck.

I'm calling Tessa my wife and thinking about my wedding with her, repeatedly and I don't know why. I can feel it in my guts that some thing like that gonna happen to with us, a good thing obviously but I feel it near me. Maybe I'm going crazy maybe my mind isn't working properly around her but I can feel it. So close, do you? Do you feel it too?

I do though, but that doctor dickhead is in my way. However, he will soon push away from the path, stumble off the cliff and sink down the ocean and be death, far away from Tessa and me.

And that'll happen because of my speech the I wrote, though it is written for Landon's sake as I'm his best man but it's for her too, maybe even more.

Tessa's POV:

The wedding was flawless: the groom, my bestfriend cried more than the bride my other bestfriend. And I am proud of myself that he listened to me and didn't hold back his emotion and just cried in front of room full of people to make even better and emotional. Though I didn't hear their vows much because of the man on Landon's side, I tried, I really tired to give my only focus of them but I just can’t keep my eyes or my mind off the best man.

My stare was soley on him and his on mine, he never leave a single sight of me and neither did I. In dinner reception he was staring at me and I was also catching his few glimpse too without having him notice, though I know that he knows I was acting like I wasn't looking at him and wherever his eyes wasn't actually at me I was looking at him delightfully in that short span of time and when he'd look up at me, I'd look away acting like I wasn't.

Maybe it feels dumb to play that type of game in the public but they weren't looking at us and I felt good-silly even and we played that for quite long before the whole dinner thing didn't get over.

And now the way Landon's arms are wrapped around Nora's waist and the way she's laughing at something he's saying as they dance across the floor in front of everyone, I would say the wedding went well. Super good and I'm proud that I was the one planning it to make my two bestfriends wedding absolutely perfect.

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