The Sun Doesn't Always Have to Shine

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"Where do you want to go?" I asked

"Somewhere with a dry shirt and a pair of pants. I'm getting cold" Nico said. I leaned over to his ear and smirked

"You sure? I can warm you up." I whispered and glancing at Percy but I don't think he noticed. Okay so maybe I felt slightly jealous now that I know Nico had had a crush on Percy and they weren't brothers.

Nico turned the deep, deep red tried to pull his shirt down more and shoved me away with his shoulder.

"What was that?!" Nico asked still red

"I just like seeing you blush. it's cute" I said hiding the real reason and Nico get even redder

"I am not cute!" Nico defended and Percy laughed which got him a glare from Nico.

"Did you want to head back to your old room" I asked Nico.

"After that comment I think I'll go by myself" Nico said

"Aww, come on you know I was just messing with you" I said now wondering if I went to far

"What did you say to him?" Annabeth asked making me blushed.

"Nothing" I quickly said looking anywhere but at Annabeth. She arched her eyebrow and looked at me

"Let's go" I said grabbing Nico's hand and hurrying away.

"Wait, Will!" Nico yelled as I pulled him away and he tried to hold his shirt down with one hand.

"Will, slow down" Nico said as we turned a corner.

I kept going worried that Annabeth would follow.
Nico took a deep frustrated sigh and suddenly I was enveloped in darkness then it was go just as quick as it has come and we were in Nico and Percy's old room.

"That felt weird" I said

"I'm surprised you didn't throw up like some people do" Nico said

"Now I'm going to change" Nico added

"Okay, I'll go wait outside" I said letting go of his hand and walking towards the door

"Wait!" Nico hollered

"Yes?" I asked turning back to look at him

"C-Could you just turn around?.......I-I don't want you to go" Nico said hesitantly

"Sure" I said turning back around.

"J-Just no-no looking back!" He yelled

"You got it" I said giving him a thumbs up. I heard the dresser opened and then heard his wet shirt hit the floor.
After a few minutes I heard the dresser close then Nico came over and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my back.

"We have a little bit before lunch. What do you want to do?" I asked hugging his arms closer to me.

"Oh, I know exactly what I want to do" Nico said and I could feel him smirk against my back before he ran his hands slowly up my chest under my shirt and rested them on my shoulders. He then led into my ear and breathed on it before speaking

"Sleep" he said then promptly pulling away and plopped down on his old bed.

"That's cruel" I said

"No, that's pay back" Nico said

"Fair enough" I said with a laugh

"Will?" Nico asked

"Yeah?" I asked tilting my head to the side

"" He started but stopped to clear his throat

"The bed is cold and you said you could keep me warm" He said in a matter of fact way but I knew it was just a cover because he was finding it hard to say what he actually wanted to.

"That I did" I said laying down next to him. He pulled the covers us and I wrapped him in my arms.

"Nico?" I asked after a few seconds of silence but I got no reply. I looked down to see Nico already fast asleep

"Sweet dreams" I said kissing the top of his head. I then placed my chin on his head and fell asleep next to him.

I stood in a open field bodies fell to the ground as people fought.

"Your not strong enough to save any of them" A voice said from behind me and I looked back to see my brother.

"Mic-" I started to say but he cut me off

"Your weak! You couldn't do anything to help me, and you could do anything to help him" He said pointing behind me. I looked where he was pointing to see my other brother Lee right as he was hit in the head with a mace. He fell to the ground unmoving.

"You couldn't save either of us" I heard and looked back to see Lee also standing behind me his head caved in and bloodily

"I tried! Please this isn't how you actually feel!" I yelled as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Will" I heard.

"No, no, no, no please not him." I begged. I have had dreams about my older brother a lot. They had stopped when I met Nico but when he was forced to go home the dreams came back with him in them always telling me that he left on purpose, that I was worthless and he never wanted to see me again.

"Will!" Nico called again a little more urgently. He didn't seem cruel this time but I knew that would change any moment because it always did in this dream

"No please, Nico please" I sobbed felling to my knees and burying my face in my hand

"Will?! You need to get up!" Nico said shaking me

"Please Nico, don't hate me!" I yelled and suddenly I was embraced in a hug as the person held me as close to them as possible.

"I could never hate you" Nico whispered and I realized that I was now awake. I quickly pushed myself away from Nico and sat up.

"Sorry, I just had a bad's all better now" I said trying my best to put on a big smile.

"Will" Nico said as he sat up and placed a hand on my knee.

"I should go see if lunch is ready" I said swinging my legs over the edge of the bed but before I could get up Nico grabbed my arm.

"I understand if you don't want to talk about it. But if you need a shoulder to cry on I'm here for you. Sure my shoulder are kinda boney and-" He started but he stopped when I turned around and threw my arms around him. He made a oof sound in suprise then hugged me back as I cried into his shoulder.

"I'm never going to leave you, or hate you. But promise me one thing" Nico said and I nodded

"Don't give me anymore fake smiles. I want to alway see you for you. If you can do that I'll do the same but only for you." He said

"I-I love you Will" He added and I gave him a choked laugh of happiness

"I love you too" I said

The Little Merman and The Little Ghost BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang