Part 39: capture

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"Let me explain" raising his hands above his head in defence as I aim the gun at him.
"That in involves you putting the gun down" he adds.
"Or what if I just kill you" i snarl cocking the gun so he knows its loaded.

Disgust surges through me, anger floods me. I feel betrayed but also angry at myself. I shouldn't have trusted him so easily. "You can start with answering this question"
He nods as I press the gun to the side of his head.

"Tell me exactly who you are and who you are working for, unless like your father you are more compliant hanging by your ankles"

He swallows thickly before responding, "my name is alexzander Karpov" he starts his voice hitching in his throat as he said his fathers surname. "I work, worked for hydra, I was sent to get you. It was meant to be a simple extraction."

"What happened to Alexi" i interrupt but I have a feeling like I already know.
"I was told to killed him, it's not hard to get information from people who are scared so I let him go" he muttered

We stand in silence for a little, I press the gun a little harder at every breathe exhales.
"Why didn't you kill him" i ask as he stares at his hands which have started to slightly shake.
"I don't know, his life felt meaningless to take after he had given me what I wanted, I was then instructed to take you to the train where u would have been taken to a hydra base. That was the instructions I was given, it was all going to plan until the white widow showed up. Set the train to blow after she got what she wanted, those people who kindnapped us where bounty hunters, guess you must have a high price tag now that your father is dead."

My hands start to tremble, "my father died before I was born, I'm an orphan"
"You are now" he mutters
"elaborate on that" i say trying to hide my desperation
He smiles at me. "And what would there be for me, if I told you anymore you would be a liability and I would have to kill you"

"You didn't kill alexi"

"No but someone eles has by now"

"So your to lazy to pull the trigger, trying to escape from the blood on your hands"

His cheeks flush red with anger.

"i've killed more people than you have, i have seen horrors which would have given you nightmares for decades, i have witness  the winter soilder porgram since the age of four, i have murdered, taken and tortured people while you were dancing ballet, playing dress up in the redroom" he spits

Rage of my own builds, "hydra never liked dreykov, they wanted him out of the picture as quickly as possible, take thoses weak girls and turn them into something greater than the next natasha romanoff" he scoffed.

I knock the gun hard against his temple, watching as blood started spilling down his neck, i wonder why he isn't trying to fight me, it's like he is letting me taunt him. "you are so much like your father, thinking that violence is the way to get people to be complient, but really it's the mind" he says as he reachs to tap my forehead. i hit him with the gun a second time.

"you talk as if you know who my father is" i snap grabing an piece of fraying rope and tie his wrist to one of the cuboard handels so his arm hangs high above his head.

"well he wasn't a very private man, surely you must know" he chuckles

From the blank stare which he get's in response, he forows his eyebrow in disbelief, "so you really know nothing, nothing, not even the empire which you and your sister have inheritted. "

"what are you talking about" i snap my patience with alexi or alexzander which ever he choose to go by growing thin.

"Your father was one of the most powerfull people in the world at one point, until his empire came crashing with him."

I dropped the gun, my breathes catch in my throat. My heart feels like it is being crushed.  " what are you talking about"
"Did you really not know you are dreykovs daughter, one of the ones that survived at least"

I fall silent. Not that awful man. Not that man. There was no way i was related to that monster.

"Your lying" my voice cracking as i try to hold the gun straight, he stares right at me, his expression blank, but pity paints his eyes. "Tell me your lying" i scream at him grabbing the gun from the ground and aiming it to his chest.

I didn't pull the trigger

He gasps in surprise, his face crumpling slightly as he falls to the ground. Blood starts to pool around him, the ground tainting scarlet, i stare at the gun in my hand.

The safety still on, the bullets still in the chamber, I stare in disbelief at the bloody mess now pooled on the ground, the stench of blood and mold make my head spin. I carefully wade over to his body making sure my gun is still cocked, I check his pulse. It's faint but it's fading fast. I don't make an effort to revive him, I can't afford to. Disgust churns in me as I carefully roll his scarlet painted form over. His face is chalky white, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. Guilt and disgust battle in my chest, I'm not sure if I want him dead or alive.

I keep my gun close to my own chest as i start to survey the area, water now tinted a pinky colour is filling up to my calves, my heart is pounding fast in my chest, i know i should run and get out of here but for the first time since the widow i feel completely and utterly lost. I have nowhere to go. I'm in a  foriegn country with no friends or connections. I have nobody. The only thing I have now is a name. More of a title, Dreykov's daughter. And a sister whom i know nothing about, who would probably want me dead, like everyone else i have ever met.

As I'm stumbling frantically around the basement looking for whoever fired the shot at Alexi I'm rifling through my torn mind desperately trying to remember anything that could help me, I pick up fragments of conversations as any memories before the age of thirteen are hazey to me. I remember the procedure. The doctor talked about my sister which made me wonder if  she went through the same thing, was she even still alive. From the records I found there was a high possibility she too had died.

The water is turning a darker red every second. I try to keep my attention from Alexi, guilt clawing at my throat every time I look at him. I know I should help him but something selfish, something cruel inside me tells me not to.  He betrayed me, he is lucky to have survived this long.

I hear a sharp bang.

The trap door is suddenly laying in the water, I turn my attention up to the stairwell where there are four officers wearing black bulletproof vests running down the steps, their guns aiming at my chest. Breaths struggle inconsistently in and out of my lungs, I hold the gun out in front of me, making sure my aim is perfect and fire hitting two of the officers in the chest, they fall like rag dolls to the ground. I watch as one officer reaches for something in his pocket and rolls it onto the ground. Green gas fills the air, choking my lungs. I quickly push past the other officers as one grabs me by the arm. I kick back watching as he falls back, his skull cracking on the stairs. I don't know where I'm going. All I know is I have to leave. And I have to leave now.

"Where do you think you are going?" I hear a deeper voice yell, I turn quickly firing the gun blindly, my vision blurry from the gas, two men lurch for me grabbing my arm's and pressing them hard behind my back so I stand straight. A man wearing a navy suit approaches me, he coughs slightly as he approaches me, his hair is blonde and his face looks withered and worn with age. The last thing i remember him saying before one of his men knocked me out was, "you were a pain in the ass to catch"

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