Part 15: train ride

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My heart is still hammering hard in my chest as I settle into one of the seats opposite of alexi. The train is baron as you would expect at four in the morning. It feels almost ironic how I'm sitting in the same seat as I was when I came here nearly 24 hours ago. Instead I now had my mind back and also a winny boy to babysit.

I catch his eye as he smiles at me through gritted teeth as he pours a bottle of alcohol he found abandoned under his seat over his wound. "How does it feel?" I ask mockingly as he rolls his eyes. "Brilliant" I rummage in the backpack trying to find a bandage for him, his makeshift t-shirt one already soaked red.

I empty it out onto my lap, finding various weapons and random items as well as a lot of nut bars and eventaully a half empty medic kit, the plastic box split and only a few items remain. "you have alot of junk in here" i mutter throwing the bandage half heartedly. He catches the it and opens the packet with his teeth.

He starts to unravel the bandage, drinking the rest of the alcohol in the bottle before tucking it back under his seat. My mouth screws up in disgust. He shrugs at me, fake innocence glittering in his eyes. "You're disgusting" I mutter as he laughs at my expression.

"Trust me i've done worse" "don't fill me in on the details" i mutter as i pin back the loose strands of hair which have escaped from my braids. "Is it like a red room thing to have your hair braided so tight, you look like you are losing blood circulation in your head. Is that why you were driving like you have never been in a car in your life."

"Well why are you such a whiny little bitch, you wouldn't last one second in the red room, they would shoot you on the spot" i snap in retaliation. He raises his good arm in defence. "okay harsh" he mutters as he wipes his arm with a tissue from his pocket and dabbing at the wound.

"do you even know how to wrap one of those properly" I mutter as he glares at me, struggling to properly wrap the bandage so it doesn't unravel as soon as he moves his arm. I lean over and unwrap the bandage and open the first aid kit and apply gauze before wraping the bandage as tight as i can around his arm.

"Thanks" he grumbles under his breath. I gasp in mock surprise. "Did you just apologize, did i hear that right ''

"Yes you did and i will take it back if you don't stop mocking me"

"manners wow, I thought you were only good at spitting insults and whining but now you can apologize too. Character development ''I say mockingly as he turns pink in rage.

"Shut up, I haven't decided if i'm going to slit your throat yet or not" he mutters holding the knife out at me.

"Bet you can't even use that properly" I mock as he flips it in his hand catching it effortlessly. His expression has dropped from one of annoyance to one of warning. He hands the rest of the bandage back to me. I tuck it into my pocket and rest my legs onto the table that separates us. "So what do we do now?" I ask.

Neither of us are brave enough to sleep, the fear of the red room or worse attacking us keeps us conscious. "Have you ever played eye spy"

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