Part 27: strangled

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I collided with the girl. She gasps in surprise as my body slams into hers and we crash to the ground. My head smacking on one of the tree roots. Warm blood trickling down my neck. I dig my elbow into her chest as I quickly roll away. She is still faster than me. She is on her feet in seconds and has me pinned against a tree with a knife to my throat in less than that.

I kick her as hard as I can but she doesn't loosen her grip. She twists my shirt in her hands and presses the knife hard to my throat. "You are not going anywhere" she say's sharply but her voice ins't filled with malice. She turns her head to speak into her radio, clearly not wanting me to hear what she was going to do to me. I try to squirm out her grip but she is too strong. "I wouldn't move if i were you" her voice commanding but not cruel. Her hair is tightly braided to her head, she leans over to her chest to her radio. Embrodiered on her chest is an emebelm. A bird of some sort.

"Acquired target, requesting" she starts as I lunge forward her yanking her hair before kneeing her in the nose.

Anger paints her face red as she lunges at me.

Her hand wrapped around my throat within a breath.

I try to claw at her hands but they don't loosen.

Tears start to cloud my eyes as I try to breathe but no air enters my lungs.

I try to kick her but my knees buckle under me.

Black spots blur my vision, clouding my thoughts as unconsciousness starts to pull at my mind. "stop fighting" she starts but quickly falls silent. Blood starts to trickle from her mouth as her grip slackened and I roll onto the ground coughing, my lungs filling with air. The gun shakes in my hand as I quickly tuck it into my waistband and clamber to my feet.

I quickly get to my feet as fast as I can and start to run even though my lungs are still screaming in pain. Agony wrapping around my chest like a tight belt. This pain feels familiar. My childish screams fill my head before I can suppress the memory. The doctor's face. The surgeon's knife above my abdomen. A needle.

I stagger into a clearing filled with cornflowers, their blue colour hazing my vision as I wade my way through them. "Rebbeca, do you copy" I hear Alexi's strangled voice fill my ears. I ignore him as I keep running. I can hear the distant sound of radio statics and guns firing. She clearly didn't come alone. "Alexi, we have to go, I don't know who they are. I think hydra found us" i hiss into my ear as a bullet filles over my head narrowly missing it.

"Meet me at the airfield. I have a plan"

I quickly turn on my heel and head straight for the woods. I stagger over the uneven ground. My lungs beg for air as I sprint faster, stumbling over fallen trees and braken as the footsteps near. One thought running in my mind. They are going to kill me. My legs burn and my heart pounds in my ears as I weave my way in and out of trees, keeping my arms above my head trying to shield it from the ricoshay of bullets skimming past me.

"Miss me" I hear a familiar voice fill my ear. Alexi sprints behind me, he throws a gun at me and I quickly fire it. i Ignore the groans and screams of pain that echo behind me, it is like the anthem to my name. Death follows me like a shadow, painting my footsteps red.

"It's this way" he mutters, yanking my arm pulling me in the correct direction causing me to skid, sending mud up my leg. "You are the world's worst santanav." I snap as we continue running. The wailing of the injured fills my ears with a familiar ring. I try to stop myself from going to help them. They deserved it. I try to tell myself as we weave our way through the thick braken and into another clearing.

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