part 2: the tests

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I wake up to swarms of sounds, buzzing, their voices fuzzy and broken like a radio. Until I feel a slap against my cheek. The pain shocked me conscious. I'm no longer laying in that awful bed but I'm now strapped to a chair. As my vision clears I see three men. Guards. Holding guns almost as big as me. My lip quivers as I try not to cry. One of them held a radio to their mouth. "Contact karpov, tell him subject 64  is awake" they say in a thick german voice.

I start to shiver. Not that awful man again. I start to cry. "Please no" i beg you please don't" i sob so hard my whole body is shaking. They ignore me. "Please" I scream, my voice cracking. My lips dry as i lick the blood from them. The woman enters again. "Hello little one." she whispers as she makes sure I'm secure. I glance up above my head. A huge mechanical device is above me. Wires and metal rings circle above me. I let out a scared cry as she gently pressed my back to the chair. "Be brave little one, you are doing so well" she says with a shaky smile on her lips. Her eyes glistened with tears.

She then exits the room swiftly. "no don't leave me here, i want  Elena" i scream as she walks out of the room i swore i heard her cry. I start to lose it. I kick and scream, I beg, I cry, I punch.

I yell at the guards every dirty word my mind could think of.  "Let me go" I scream, panic gripping my chest. Karpov enters the room. Two soldiers, guns trained on my head, move swiftly to the door. There is no escape. I crane my neck to try and spot the woman but she is long gone. The hallway painfully empty. As the man lowers his face to mine I spit in his face. The soldier next to him hits me with the but of his gun. Not too hard but enough to draw blood.

The woman comes back, a bottle and needle in her hand. She lowers the needle into my arm. Her face glistened with tears. My body looks tiny in the machine. She pats my shoulder as she fills the bottle with blood. "Pain only makes you stronger, little one" she says, her voice thick from crying. She leans over to the doctor. "Are you sure, she is incredibly small, her sister barely survived"

He waves her out. "Enough" he shouts as he starts to lower the machine, the patch covers more than half my face. "Please stop, I want Elena" I holler as he smiles. "It's okay little girl, you will be so usefull to hydra" he smirks as the machine starts to wirl and churn as if it is coming alive. I shriek as a jolt of electricity shreds my lungs and I gasp for air. My face is streaked with tears as they stream down my face.

"If I'm so little, why are you doing this" I sob as the doctor steps back. "Stop please" I scream as the pain intenses and the smell of burning skin fills my nose with a horrible stench. The doctor leaves the room. My head throbs with a pain I have never experienced. My chest feels crushed as I try to draw a breath. But no air is there to heave into my worn lungs. "Elena come and save me, you promised nobody would hurt me" I scream as pain engulfs my whole body. It feels like every part of my body is struck by lightning. I bite my tongue as the pain jolts my whole body.

"You promised" I cry, pain making me want to curl up into a ball and never come out. "Please" I scream at the top of my lungs. My breaths start to intensify so fast I can't control anything. "Turn it off you will kill her '' I hear a woman shout as she runs to my side, she is about to pull the handle to stop it, but a soldier pushes her back. "We don't follow your orders we follow karpov" he shouts at her pulling her back. Her helpless brown eyes burn into mine. My heart is racing so fast my whole body goes numb.

She reaches for my hand. "It's okay little one, you are strong like your sister" she sobs stroking my palm. I turn my head to her, "I want Elena," I whisper as she grasps my finger. "I know but you have to be brave" she says before backing away so fast from the machine i thought i burned her. "Oh lord" she gasps as she bolts into the hallway. I can feel fire as it burns my skin. "Help me" I scream. The fire spreads onto my skin and clothes. I try to kick the flames, I can feel it sink into my pale skin. I holler and scream but the guards just stand there, guns pointed to the door.

Karpov enters almost running as sparks fly from the machine he yanks the leaver and it stops spinning. He unbuckles the straps and I stagger too weak to move into the women's arms. She kisses my forehead. I sob in her arms not understanding what's happening, other than everything hurts and I want Elena.

"Well done little one" her voice is thick with an accent. Eastern european. Probably  Hungarian, my friend was from there. A kind older girl, perhaps Elena's age, She also read me wonderful stories.

I feel a prick in my neck and suddenly everything starts to melt away. Her face swimming from my vision and my head slamming into the ground.

I woke up in a different room. It has a big iron door and another table which I'm strapped to. I cry, my whole body in agony. But it's more feeble and weak cry. Like an injured cat. The woman walks into my room. A big bruise spread across her forehead. She knelt down to my bedside wiping the tears from my cheek. "There now little one," she whispers, brushing my hair from my face. "I don't have much time but I need you to have this" she whispers as she reaches into her nurse's gown pocket. She hands me a piece of paper. "This is my home in budapest , if you need anything come and find me, i will help you" she hushes tucking it into my nightdress.

I nod my head still gripping her hand, terrified the horrid man will come back. "It's okay Rebecca, you are stronger than you think. You will be okay little one" she smothers, stroking my cheek. For a second I see Elena. Her  warm hand on my cheek warmed my face. I hear gunshots. I yelp. She shoves a hand over my mouth. "You have to be very good, it will be hard my little one but let god guide you through this" she whispers as she grips my hand muttering a silent prayer.

I nod my head. She looks back at me with a tiny grin. "I always knew you could do it little one" she quickly exits the room as another man enters. karpov. "Okay little girl, be good. '' He smiles as he tightens the bands on my chest so I gasp in pain, as the leather crushes my ribs. I force myself to look into his eyes. "You are a very evil man '' I spit as blood trickled down my chin  from my chapped lips. He just laughs a cold empty emotionless laugh. "Oh little girl, the only evil one will be you" he chuckles as the woman returns with a needle. "Be strong little one" she whispers as she plunges the needle into the side of my neck. I shiver as the liquid numbs my body. Then black.

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