Part 17: the border

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The closer we get to the border the more anxiety burned in my chest. I couldn't use the ID the red room had made for me to even get into this goddamn country. I glance at Alexi who looks completely unphased. I start to chew on the corner of my nail but quickly stop. A habit that I used to have as a kid that the red room hated.

Any sign of anxiety or stress they suppressed. It made you look weak, they would claim. One girl threatened to have her thumb removed when she wouldn't stop putting it in her mouth. She was three.

"You okay" alexi scoffs as i glance nervously waiting for a widow or officer to come and end all of this. We had not come this far to get stranded in hungary. I could maybe charm the ticket officer but there was no way I could get us out of this mess.

"Don't worry i've got this" alexi says as he digs in the bag and pulls out the brown envelope and rips it open. He reaches into it and presents me with a passport, and any other documents I would need. I whistle under my breath. "You have good connections" I mutter as I inspect the passport. It looks identical to the one I used to get in here. "Summer day, really"

"It's a good name"


"shh" he snaps as an border officer more armed with a stricter expression enters the train with two soldiers. For a second I think this is the end and they are going to lock me in an hungarian prison. From what I've researched they aren't too kind to spies or assassins . I swallow thickly and plant a big smile onto my face, "good morning officer" I say in hungarian as the man stares at me with suspicion painted on his face.

"Passports" he snaps as I hand mine and alexi's to him. "Miss day," he says, smiling falsely at me. I nod, keeping all my emotions buried under my skin just like the red room taught me. You have to believe the lie like it is the truth because if you don't believe it they won't ethier and then you are as good as dead.

"What is your relation with Mr Walker?" he asks. I smile effortlessly. "He is my friend from school, and we are going backpacking around europe." He looks at our passports. "Both hungarian" he says his voice edged with suspicion. "Yes, he was born here but moved to the states when he was two" I say trying to make my voice sound at ease.

"really, what are you studing"

"history and economics"

"and your friend"

"economics and digital media"

"how long did you stay in hungary for"

"he stayed here three weeks, i came here two days ago, we went to visit his grand parents"

"where are they from"

I was about to answer when the man cut me off.

"i asked the gentleman"

Alexi nods even though he looks more puzzled than ever, i can tell he stoped listening a long time ago. "Play along" i hiss under my breath in russain hoping the officer can't understand me. "Play along you say" the officer says his voice makes me jump. I glance back at alexi. His face was blank but his eyes filled with panic. before i can stop him, he stands up and presses a gun to the back of the officers head. "well i'm done playing along" he snarles in russain, That is when i realized we might not get out of hungary alive.

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