Part 30: take flight

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Pain erupts in my whole arm as I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Tears prickle my eyes. Blood runs thickly down my arm as if my strength is pouring out with it. Alexi somehow manages to grab my arm and heave my body into the plane. "you need to fly," he says as unconsciousness starts to pull at my mind.

He slaps my cheek trying to shake me back to consciousness. "Grab the wheel and steady the plane. When I say go. you have to pull up" he barks his voice edged with fear. But I could tell it was from something more traumatizing than me being shot. It was more of a mind numbing fear. One that is caused from years and yea

I heave my eyes open and try to focus my blurring vision onto the gears. I drag myself into the seat. Blood is pouring down my sleeve as I grab an old rag and stuff my wound. it stops the bleeding but pain still roars in my arm.

I grab the wheel and steady the plane onto the runway which is currently over run by suv's and military personnel. Alexi is leaning out of the window and a huge gun slung over his chest as he starts to fire like a mad man not caring what he hits or who. It turns into a bloodbath. Cars ram into each other as the drivers sit slumped in their seats. The man with the sunglasses has removed them in utter shock as Alexi continues to kill more of his men than his bullet hit our plane.

My heart thumps in my throat as I try to steady the plane without jolting it too much so that Alexi's aim stays perfect. For someone who says he is bad with a gun. He is good. Almost too good. This kind of aim takes years and years of training. which makes me wonder who taught him.  The red room would have loved him.

"Go" I hear Alexi scream as he sits next to me as something whistles next to us. An explosive narrowly missed one of our wings. I quickly strap my seat belt across my chest and grip the wheel so hard my knuckles turn red as I pull up the plane using all the strength I can muster. Adrenaline fills my mind as i focus all of my strenght to get us out of here.  Alexi still fires although most of them miss. The wheels skid on the tarmac as I tried to right them as more explosives followed.

My consciousness starts to slip again and I feel my vision start to blur. "wake up" alexi yells as my eyes start to close. My arm feels numb and my mind starts to drift. I barely notice the explosive which hits a few centimeters from us.

Alexi pushes me aside and grabs the wheel and just as the last explosive hits, somehow manages to drag the plane from the tarmac. We start to ascend. The ground below us and the chaos starts to blur as we drift into the sky.

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