Sandbox Blues .2.

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A.N.: Another part of The Wife Criteria, but it's not that relevant to it, so they're just gonna be the Narry Children Drabbles . . . I guess. I totally bullshit through this whole thing, I apologize.

The one where Narry is on the playground when they're younger. It's after Harry made the criteria for his future wife, and he has many failed proposal attempts. So, he decides to ask Niall to marry him.

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"What if it doesn't work?"

Niall sighs and continues to shovel more sand into his plastic bucket. He's, once again, trying to finish this gravely important task of making a castle for the bugs in the sandbox, but Harry and his stupid curls and stupid problems are interrupting him.

Niall considers that maybe Harry is stupid.

"Niall, listen to me!"

Harry sticks his foot into Niall's premade stable - it looks more like a lump of sand with the inside lazily carved out - squishing it completely.

Niall knows that Harry is stupid.

"Could you not, like, step all over my village, please."

Harry continues to whine, clumps of sand catching in his curls as he rolls over Niall's lap. Harry looks like a sad dog and Niall an exhausted owner. His frown grows heavier each time Harry rolls his head into his bucket, and he thinks back to his mum.

"Never frown, Niall. If you frown, you'll get wrinkles like Noona, and you don't want to be ugly, do you?"

Niall cringes and drops his shovel to the sand. His small hands run over his face in search for the wrinkles, and he starts crying.


Niall sniffles and Harry quirks an eyebrow at him. Niall then shoves his face in front of Harry's. "Do I look like my noona?"

Harry slowly shakes his head, sand sprinkling from the dark curls. "You don't look like a nun to me."

Niall frowns and stops crying, "My noona isn't a nun."

Harry shrugs his shoulders and pushes his hand into the sand, "Who should I marry?"

Niall quickly forgets about his tears and begins to shovel the grainy sand back into his bucket, "You should marry Cher."

Harry looks over at the said girl on the swing-set, fine brown hair tied up in pigtails flying behind her back as she dives down. She's got tan skin like Harry, and she's almost as tall as Niall.

"I don't like her overalls, they're ugly."

Niall spares a glance at her neon red overalls before dumping his castle out. "My mum says the ugly people are the nicest people."

"Your mum is weird."

Niall whacks Harry's knuckles with his plastic shovel before pointing it in the direction of Melissa. "Why not her?"

Harry looks over at her and runs his fingers through his curls. "Do you think she'll say yes?"

Melissa is sitting under the willow tree in their playground. She's got dirty knees, but her hands are clean. Her hair is falling down in tangles in front of her face. She's wearing a skirt, but she's sitting with her legs wide open.

"I don't know. Go ask her and find out."

Harry whines pathetically and throws himself onto Niall's castle again.

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