The Right Kind Of Wrong

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A.N.: A super long one-shot that had been backing up my stuff for an unbelievably long time. (Is it possible to disown your own work?) A/O/B!verse because I can.

Warning(s): Sassy Niall ahead, my dears.

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When Niall gets out of school, he's bombarded once again.

He's halfway down the sidewalk when an unmated female - female - alpha pulls him aside and tries to ravish his mouth, luckily, he elbows her in the gut and escapes. A few meters away from the market that he was violated at, Liam's friends stop him at the corner, much to Niall and Liam's disappointment, stops their heated game of basketball, and touches him plenty of times on the head or shoulder, but it stops when he bites one of them and tries to rush to the cafe. He's close enough to the cafe that he can see the steep roof, but he's stopped. Again. This time it's by a group of underclassmen whistling at him and trying to pull him close by his elbow; he manages to get away by punching one in the face and sprinting towards the open doors of the cafe.

By the time Niall reaches the doorstep, he has sprinkles of others blood on his knuckles.

Being sixteen and unmated was work sometimes.

It was almost like he was wearing a sign on his chest that read, 'fresh meat' and people believed that. His parents were not a help, along with his friends, who nagged and whined about him needing and wanting an alpha to take care of him. But he wasn't like that, at all.

He wasn't like Louis or Luke who sold their life away to someone on the first day of meeting because, fuck, that meant spending the rest of your life with that one person; however, Luke disregarded that and mated with an alpha named Ashton when they were 14. Even though Louis was an alpha, he still didn't seem to understand the things that omegas and betas had to sacrifice just to be mated. Mated for life.

That terrified Niall.

Being someone's for the rest of his breathing years. He'd have to face the large knots of alphas, the embarrassment of smelling like someone else, the fear of acting out towards 'his' alpha, having to bear children - Niall thought it'd be easier without those things. Hell, being a lone wolf wouldn't be half as bad as people said it'd be, but that was 'unacceptable' and 'risky' for an omega.

Niall hated his life sometimes.

Maybe he's overreacting, but he gets embarrassed, too easily, gets disgusted, too easily, gets labeled as untamable, too easily. All of the people in his life, past or present, have learned this and tried to deal with it. Niall's not one to back down. When an alpha places their hand on the back of his neck - a clear sign of dominance and power - Niall would try and make himself seem taller and rougher. He stayed clear of potential partners, afraid of being tied down and submissive.

That was until Cher burst into his life. The hyperactive female who stupidly, ignorantly, chose to be an omega, and switched her title of beta to omega for Niall - he had thought of changing his, but his parents weren't ungodly rich like Cher's. Niall had begun to regain some sense of normality with Cher, he'd gotten friends and a more pacifist side, and that was all he needed. No mate.

"So, you're not going to get a mate?" Cher asked as he trudged to the patio of the cafe. Niall huffed a yes and stubbornly sat across from Zayn. Zayn sighed and blew on his nails, the black nail polish glittering in the sun.

"You're parents are going to wish they abort you."

Niall points at Zayn, "He doesn't have a mate either." Zayn ignores the statement as he adds more coats to his pinky.

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