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At the edge of the churchyard, a small group begins to gather. They stand on slightly higher ground, overlooking the field. They ensure they are close enough to watch while not being spotted.

Odin is there first, looking on as the two champions meet. It was inevitable they would find each other, and, in fact, he ensured it would happen. With the situation in Asgard now darkening, he is not certain they will have the time to fight. Instead, he believes the two of them are to be involved in something far greater than settling a petty bet.

He does not have to wait there long as Loki soon drops in beside him. Loki does not come from above or below but seems to fizzle into existence where he stands. The two stay silent, thinking, enjoying the humid air.

Unable to turn down an opportunity to gloat, Loki sniffs and finally says, 'I got rid of that little Valkyrie of yours. Imagine, defeated by a teenage boy.'

Odin chuckles, but keeps his eyes ahead, gazing over the churchyard. 'I have to admit she was quite angry when she returned.'

'Pity, I thought she was gone for good.' 

Loki looks out across the horizon and Odin grimaces. Here it comes.

'I should be allowed to keep tabs on your champion too,' tries Loki. 'It's only fair.'

'It is. But you've already been doing just that, haven't you?'

Loki crosses his arms. It did not take him long to figure out Odin's trick. As soon as he was called away to help Thor repair the wall around Asgard, he knew he was being kept from something. 

It appears Odin planned to have the two champions meet--an event that throws a gigantic spanner in his intricate plan.

While the two gods exchange quips, neither quite managing to best the other, someone else wanders up the path. Someone who found it easy enough to slip, unseen, out of the church before the service ended. Now he walks until he stands next to the gods, and puts on his hat.

Loki scowls. 'And what is he doing here?'

'Singing for the dead was getting boring. The living are far more fun.' Héctor, known to the gods as Bragi, grins.

'So what? You've decided to become a spy instead?'

'He was already here,' says Odin. 'It was simply a coincidence that Mimir chose this place too.'

'Well, I don't see what you like about it,' Loki scoffs. 'It's always too hot, and the people are just awful.'

'You've spent too long in Asgard, my friend. The people here are no different. They won't believe in us again, not like they used to.' 

Odin turns to leave but Loki grabs his shoulder.

'I made them before,' he says. 'I can do it again.'

Odin brushes him off. 'Be careful how you spend your time,' he warns. 'There may not be much left.'

'Wait!' calls Loki. 'What did you come here to tell me?'

Odin stops and looks over his shoulder, second-guessing if Loki is best trusted with this information. He tells him anyway.

'One of us has been having bad dreams,' he says. 'Dreams about his death and the end of us all.'

Loki laughs. This is not new information. The dreams are the talk of Asgard. However, the name of the god who has been having them is a well-guarded secret. 

'This is what you are all so worried about? Everyone has bad dreams. It doesn't mean they'll come true.'

Odin looks at him one more time before leaving, his wise eyes searching for a glimmer of understanding.

'I think you know it does.' 

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