Chapter 11: Birthday Revelations

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***|Sunday, December 21, 2008|***

I wake up in my room in Stark Tower, the city skyline level with me. Outside, I see the sunrise brightening up the sky. J.A.R.V.I.S. didn't wake me up as he normally would because it's both the weekend and my birthday. The latter happens to be the winter solstice just about every year.

Laying there on my back, I take some time to realize I'm finally eleven. It has been a busy year and all while I was ten. I've got a lot behind me, but now I'm older, and it's only a few days off of the new year

I groan, kicking the blankets off me dramatically. Even though it's my birthday, I still don't really want to get up. I don't have to, but I don't want to risk a nightmare. Thankfully I didn't have one last night, but my track record isn't great.

I sit up and look over at Shadow laying in a patch of sunlight. I roll my eyes at her and stand up from the bed, stretching my wings. Stepping closer to her, I rub her on the head- much to her annoyance as she just wants to sleep. Sitting on the edge of my bed, I grab my phone and take a picture of the sunrise that shines against the snow-topped buildings.

Then I grabbed my clothes for today, a lavender sweater and black jeans. I decided on something a bit nicer and appropriate for the snow outside.

Quickly I got ready, wanting breakfast and to spend some time with my dad. Also Percy and Sally when they get here.

Standing in the bathroom, I run a brush through my hair.

"Ci vorrà un'eternità." I say under my breath, going back to Italian.

I take my brush through my hair, taking far longer than it should. When I am done with that, I put my hair in a long braid. My hands go through the motions as I finish getting ready and grab my stuff. As I do I find a picture of my father from when I was little. Next to it is a photo strip of Percy and I when we went to Six Flags for his summer break. We were making silly faces and having fun in the cramped photo booth, my wings barely fitting. It may or may not also be my lock screen.

Turning around, I walk out of my cold room and go to see my dad.

"Happy birthday kid." I hear my dad say as I come downstairs. A wide smile breaks out when I see him. Rushing down the stairs, I give him a tight hug.

"So. You're eleven." He reminds me. "How does it feel?"

"Not much different." I admit. "Not that I expected much difference. I feel taller, but that's it."

He snorts. "I don't believe that."

"Wanna bet? Five bucks says that I'm taller."

"You're on."

We shake hands, and then realize how ridiculous we're being. Laughing, I didn't hear Pepper come in.

"Happy birthday, Lillian." She says, surprising me.

"Hey, Pepper."

"What, no hello for your boss?" My dad asks jokingly.

Pepper responds sarcastically. "Hello, Mr. Stark."

"Hello, Miss Potts."

She gives me a hug and looks over me, squinting her eyes.

"Are you taller?"

I laugh as my dad rolls his eyes. I hold out my hand and he grabs a five from his wallet.

"We had a bet on if I was taller. I said yes, dad disagreed."

"You two teamed up." He says dramatically. "You have pitted my child against me." My dad puts a hand to his forehead, faking disbelief.

Pepper laughs quietly, shaking her head.

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