Chapter 5: Should I Tell Him

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***|Tuesday, February 5, 2008|***

Happy Hogan's POV.

I walk down the stairs to the lab, and for the first time in years it is silent. No blasting music, no loud conversations. Absolutely nothing. It's strange. Through the crystal clear glass door, I see Lillian at her desk. Shadow is at her feet, curled around her black socks. Lillian's head is on her arms, the sleeves of her Slytherin hoodie covers her hands. I never actually got into that series, but she absolutely loves it. Lilly's pale face can barely be seen under her hood. Her book is next to her on the desk, next to the plate of uneaten grilled cheese and a bunch of apple slices that were also untouched, only half of one eaten. The girl has barely eaten since we received the news. Barely done anything.

Walking closer to her, I look over at one of the many monitors, trying to figure out what she was doing. I would guess it had something to do with her conversation with Rhodes. That had gone better than I had expected.

I see a blank screen, saying that there was no match. I can only assume that she was looking for any hint of Tony. So far there has been no luck. I don't want to admit this to Lilly, and it is far too early to tell, but I am scared that there may be no finding him. But for Lillian's sake, I hope we do. I kneel down, waking Shadow so I can carry Lillian upstairs to bed.

"Dad. Dad no, no, please no." I look up at Lillian as she mutters this, voice quiet, full of terror and sadness. Another nightmare. She has them constantly, and they only got worse as she got older. I only wish I knew why. Lilly is such a sweet girl, and she doesn't deserve to have nightmares almost every night. When you look at her you would think she is fine, but I can tell that she isn't. That her nightmares are worse and affecting her more than she says it is. There is a lot she isn't telling anyone, but hopefully she will. Before it is too late.

Shadow darts out the door and up the stairs, startling me. I look back to the sleeping figure, dark wings coming through the holes of her hoodie and covering her like a blanket. She calls out for Tony again, this time louder, her head shaking slightly. I see her hands form fists in her sleeves. I stand up, trying to figure out how to bring her to her room while not waking her. Going for it, I carefully hoist her over my shoulder. Thankfully she is pretty light, even with wings.

Lilly hangs limp in my arms, still fast asleep. She snores quietly, barely noticeable from a distance, but much easier to hear from where I am. I open the lab door, walking up the stairs. It is late at night, so I have to navigate my way in the dark.

Crossing the large living room, I walk up the other flight of stairs. Reaching her purple door, standing out against the rest. I open it, walking over to her bed. I feel the soft rug beneath my feet as I move her blankets back. Laying her down, I try to be careful. I place the blanket over her, looking out her window at the ocean. The moonlight hits her face, making her skin look almost as if it is glowing. Lillian rolls over onto her side, the edge of the blanket in her hands.

"Goodnight Lilly," I whisper, turning around to leave. As I do, I think I see a faint dark purple glow out of the corner of my eyes. I know it is coming from her, but I don't know if she does. Not yet. It can't be happening yet. Tony deserves to be there, for Lillian. Shaking my head, I leave the room, shutting her door behind me.

I lean on her door, my head running wild with so many different memories. Ones of Lillian and Tony. Of how he changed the day she appeared on the doorstep, in a cradle of what looked like what appeared on Lillian's hands. Of a note that I never read. Of where Tony told me to take her, where there were others like her if he was gone. I hope desperately that he will be there to see it. A single tear runs down my face, and I don't wipe it away. Instead, I let it stain my collar.

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