Chapter 10: I am Iron Dad

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***|Saturday, October 25, 2008|***

"You've all received the official statement of what occurred at Stark Industries last night."

Uncle Rhodey begins on the large screen hung on the wall behind the couch. Another press conference where dad is going out to the reporter-packed lobby of Stark Industries to speak and "tell what happened".

It's not the truth, of course. Then again, when is it ever?

I would hate having to stand up there and lie to the crowd- and essentially the world -like that, but thankfully I'm just going to stay here with Pepper, watching my father through the tv. I'm not supposed to tell anyone what really happened, but I'm planning on telling Percy face to face when I see him next. The only reason it would be in person is so no one else at the school finds out unless he tells them.

And I'll tell Jack, of course.

Currently, I'm sitting on the light brown leather couch, my leg wrapped up in gauze under the fabric of my leggings. The doctors said the injury wasn't serious, the glass didn't cut too deep that there would be any permanent damage, but still be careful with the stitches in. They also said I may always have a small thin scar. Not unlike the scar left by Pitch that I had to lie about.

"There have been unconfirmed reports that a robotic prototype malfunctioned and caused damage to the arc reactor." Rhodey continues.

I can smell my father's favorite cologne as I lean against his shoulder, a warm cedar mixed with sandalwood and fresh grass scent that doesn't quite cover up his apple shampoo or the constant hint of oil and grease from working in the lab for hours.

It smells like home. Comforting and familiar, and something that I had thought I would lose forever.

Looking down at the book in my hands, I shut it for a moment, unable to focus as Pepper helps my dad get ready for the press. He is just reading the paper about the events of last night, just to compare what everyone thinks compared to the real deal. I brush my forearm with my thumb absentmindedly, feeling the scar left by Pitch.

"'Iron Man.' That's kind of catchy. It's got a nice ring to it. I mean, it's not technically accurate. The suit's a gold-titanium alloy, but it's kind of evocative, the imagery, anyway."

I roll my eyes at him. "You don't need to correct the public. They aren't even supposed to know anything." Dad looks over at me, about to argue. He turns back to the paper, continuing to read.

"Fair." Is all he says.

I see a man who I recognize as Agent Coulson walking toward us. Turning the page of my book, I give him a small wave.

"Here's your alibi." Coulson hands a stack of notes to my father. Dad floods the newspaper and takes the cards from him.


"You were on your yacht."

"Yeah." Dad agrees.

"I wish," I mutter.

"We have port papers that put you in Avalon all night, and sworn statements from 50 of your guests." For something that happened less than 24 hours ago, the government is prepared. I am just not sure how convincing I can be.

"See I was just thinking we should say it was just Lillian, Pepper, and me alone on the island." My father says, reading one of the cards he was given.

"That's what happened."


"Just read it word for word." My dad skims the cards, and I try to figure out the look on his face.

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