"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!! The swordsman said with multiple tick marks on his forehead.

"Oh, so now you are deaf too?"

"Wow! that's great!" Sanji said looking at the bird that Luffy caught. This caused Zoro to get distracted and he moved his gaze towards the bird. A smirk made its way to hi face when he saw how big the bird actually was.

"We can finally have a decent meal!"

"We can eat this?" Usopp said not fully sure of this. Luffy looked down at Chopper beside him. He was staring up at him in thoughts.

"Huh? Chopper, what's wrong?"

"Well....... I think......" He started as a grin soon made its way to his face. "I think being a pirate is........SO AWESOME!!"

" That so? we are Awesome!! Hahahahaha!!" Luffy laughed happily. A smiled formed on everyone's faces seeing that the new member of the crew was slowly getting a hang of the pirate life.


Sanji and Kei were in the kitchen while everyone else was outside. They had just gone through the hotspot before they came inside.

" It's noisy outside," Sanji muttered while narrowing his eyes towards the door, because even from the kitchen, the duo could hear some ruckus going on outside.

"Isn't it always like that?"

Kei asked while lazily looking at him from the dinning table. It was too hot outside, so she had come in the kitchen to relax a bit. But now she was bored as she had nothing to do.
Standing up from her chair , she stretched her arms above her head and started heading towards the door

"I'll go see what's going on..I'm bored anyways."

When she stepped outside, she saw Vivi leaning against the railings and looking down. Her eyebrows were furrowed together in thoughts.

"Vivi, what's going on?"

Her sudden voice startled Vivi a bit and she looked behind in surprise.

"Ahh, Kei-san. You see......, " she started as her gaze soon returned back to the deck below, "Someone was drowning in the sea so they brought him on the ship."

Kei blinked in realization as to who it possibly was and started heading down stairs. But she already was sure who it was. When she reached, she saw Chopper, Usopp, and Luffy were laughing with someone. He had ballerina shoes and a pink swan coat, behind his coat in bold letters were written ' Bon clay ' and Kei immediately recognized him.

He was spinning around like a ballerina " spin~, spin~, spin~"
and when he stopped, he touched his face and started changing it into faces of different people.

Chopper, Luffy, and Usopp we're looking at him with sparkles in their eyes while encouraging him, unknown of the who he actually was. Suddenly, he turned towards Kei and their eyes locked.

"Ohhhh, you had someone else on the ship tooo~!!" he said in a sing-song way and jeaded towards Kei while still spinning. God knows how he could do that.

When he reached, his hand went to touch Kei's face but he was immediately stopped by her hand grabbing his wrist. Bonclay looked a little surprise and moved his hand back a little while narrowing his eyes.

Then suddenly, with the other hand, he tried again but was stopped again. She was not gonna let him copy her face when she knew the consequences. She knew in the end it wouldn't matter but she still was not gonna take a risk.

Bonclay backed away for a moment, eyebrows furrowed in deep thinking. But that didn't stop him, he tried again, his hand reached for Kei's face again and again but he was stopped by her every time. He finally backed up at the end.

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