The Christmas Party

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I thank December Silentvale for helping me. We got it done just in time for Christmas.

"So, who's ready to do this?" Ayame asked as she turned to look at each of her four protectors. Sitting in a circle, the five of them gathered together in Ayame's room. Each were sitting on a cushion as they sat ready for the debriefing meeting. Most of them looked pleased, one however was out right scowling with the situation they were now addressing.

Prior to this meeting, that morning, each girl was set on a solo mission. Each had selected their targets at random, one of the girls was less than pleased to receive their particular target, but none the less set out on her mission. Now, hours later they had returned from their mission, most beaming with the success of their mission accomplished.

"Let's get this over with!" Nanami snapped, a scowl etched into her face for the past few hours.

It was unusual to see the normally happy, quirky girl in such a foul mood.

"The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can focus on getting ready for the party." Nanami continued.

"Nanami, please. Calm down. The mission couldn't have been that bad." Jing said, trying to brighten up the atmosphere.

"Whatever! You would be just as mad as me if you had gotten the target I did. We both don't like the target. I still don't see why I couldn't have traded with someone else." Nanami continued to complain as she huffed.

"The targets were selected at random. We all agreed before hand the target you selected would be yours. There was to be no trading, no 'forgetting' to get the item, or pretending to lack funds for the mission. There was no avoiding it. Besides, it's Christmas. It's time to forgive, forget, and be thankful for each other. Time to spend with loved ones and have fun." Hiroko spoke up.

"If you keep that attitude up, Santa won't visit you this year. Or your face might freeze into a permanent scowl." Taura added.

"I've moved on past it. It's best for you to do the same. The target has changed and doesn't even remember the wrongs they commited. There's no need to hold a grudge." Ayame added.

"Hmph! " Nanami huffed, "Yeah, yeah." she stated with as sigh. "Another new year is coming soon, with it a fresh new start. I'm give my forgiveness then and not a second earlier! She better start being nicer to Yuichiro. Otherwise, if I get her name again next year, I'll get her something nasty!" The girl promised.

Seeing that was the best she was going to get from Nanami, Ayame just signed before she coughed, gathering the girls attention.

"Now. It's time. Let's get this meeting started. Report! How goes, our Operation... Secret Santa!" Ayame cheered.

"Yes!" The girls cheered, some with less enthusiasm than the others, but it was okay.


The whole thing had started a few days back when they were planing the Christmas party. Ayame had felt slightly bad that they couldn't invite Usagi and her team. Sure, there was progress on the friendship front, but it was too soon to invite them to the party.

To make up for it, Taura had suggested they played Secret Santa for the girls. They had drawn names from a hat and each girl had gone out to get a present for the 'target'. Later, they would have Jadeite deliver them without being found out.


"Starting off with Jing. What did you get Minako?" Ayame asked the girl sitting to her right.

"Well, Minako was born in October. So I bought her a bouquet of her birth flowers, the Dahlia. I would have given her a Chinese Knot, but I thought that might be too suspicious. Besides that, I heard from Kunzite that Sailor V liked a TV idol called Phantom Ace, Ace Saijyo. So I bought a plush toy." Jing explained as she showed what she had bought. The plush toy was already wrapped in a Christmas themed Sailor V wrapping paper.

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