A New Transformation: Ayame's Power-Up

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I thank December Silentvale for helping me.


The absence of light.

One can never truly escape it.

But, within the darkness, the soft glow of the flower petals shown through.

Illuminating not only the room, but memories, of long ago.

"Blossoms?" Ail asked his companion.

"Viewing cherry blossoms is an annual seasonal event for people from this planet. It seems to go on all day and night for them. And I understand humans use a lot of energy doing it." An explained.

Hidden away in their apartment, the two of them were once again watching over the Makai Tree. For now, it was doing well. But they still could not help but worry for the tree. They needed more energy.

Looking up at the red leaves and thinking of the blossoms, Ail couldn't help but feel a bit of bitterness at the cherry blossoms. They were healthy and strong.

"I have heard stories that when our tribe was prosperous, the Makai Tree had beautiful flower blossoms on it as well." Ali spoke as he reminisced. He had never seen the blossoms himself, but from the stories they had been white little puffs, scattered across the leaves, like stars in the dark blue sky. Growing strong even as their home world was dying.

An tried to picture such flowers, but like Ail, she had never seen them with her own eyes. With a sad sigh, An looked back to the tree. Up at the bulb that fed them energy. Would there ever be a day when they would no longer have to ration the energy they took? Would the Makai Tree ever bloom for them as it did for the previous members of their tribe?

"Blossoms?" Ail asked once again, this time with a less skeptical tone. Chuckling, he turned to An. "I think we can gather a lot of human energy while they're viewing this cherry blossoms."

With the idea now in mind, it wouldn't be long before their plan was set in motion.


With the season in full swing, Sankaku park was filled with families, coworkers, and friends visiting to sit and eat while they enjoyed the cherry blossoms. The air filled with chatter and laughter. Among them, both Sailor Guardian team were in their civilian forms along with Naru, Ms. Haruna, and Jadeite.

Ayame wore a yellow and green plaid button up shirt, over which was a red button up sweater. Along with white, rolled up shorts and black stockings covering the rest of her legs and a pair of sneakers. She wore her star earrings she had gotten from Nephrite as she usually did and carried a picnic basket her mother had prepared the night before.

Jing had also dressed up for the occasion, wearing her hair in her signature odango style with the yellow ribbons in her hair replaced with pale pink ones. That day, she wore a peach colored dress, the sleeves were in a bishop style that came up to her elbows. It was a V-neck with a Mulberry purple camisole underneath, the collar was black and lead down to a think black band around her waist before forming the shirt that went to her knees. In her hand was a tiered wooden container holding her lunch.

Nanami wore her cyber grape hair in her usual braid along with her men's straw fedora with the orchid band and periwinkle feather. Her yellow wire glasses shining in the sunlight. To combat and chilly weather that might have been lurking around, she wore a imperial purple blazer over a light pink shirt that had a few flower blossoms along the top. The shirt styled in such a way that the cloth looked like it over lapped. After that, was a pair of camo shorts. She had a drawstring bag she carried over her shoulder for her food.

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