The first time their kid swears Part one

Start from the beginning

Bucky wasn't really listening, so he almost didn't catch it. "That's ni - what did you just say?!?!" He turned around and stood directly in front of Asher.

"Me and James played tag?" He obviously didn't realize anything was wrong.

"No, before that?"

"That the bullies can be real assholes sometimes?"

"Yes! That's bad word, son, and you never use it to describe someone, okay? I don't want to hear you say that ever again, no matter how mean the bullies are, okay?"

"Okay daddy."

"Good," He smiled, ruffling his boys hair. "Now lets do some math, okay? I think I figured out the problem."

Clint: Clint was making tea, in the kitchen, for his daughters tea party with him. Lizzie had requested that he make tea, and bring a teddie bear to the party, so that is what he did. The four year old was in her room, picking out which of her pink dresses she should wear for the occasion, having already picked out a feathery boa and sparlkly bracelets for her dad to wear. He would do anything for his little princess, even wear pink. I mean, it wasn't that far from purple, was it? The tea was ready, and so he brought it up to the princess room, knocking on the door politely before he entered the royal chamber.

"Here's your tea, milady." Setting it on the little pink table in the middle of the room, Clint looked around for his little girl. "Where'd ya go, princess?"

"In here!" Came a small voice from the closet. "This damn dress won't zip up!"

Clint wasn't sure he heard correctly. "Your what dress?"

"Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn. My damn dress." The small voice got louder as Lizzie stomped out of her massive closet, her dress hanging loosely from her shoulders. She stopped in front of her father with a big grin, while his mouth was hanging open in shock.

Recovering his wits, he knelt down and turned his daughter around to see if he could do the dress up. "Honey, thats a bad word. You shoudn't say it.." He got the zipper done up, but before he could tie the sash, Lizzie giggled and ran off, shouting damn as she went.

Clint rolled his eyes and gave chase, silently wondering where she learned that word. Probably Tony.... He was gonna have a chat with him later. Following the sounds, Clint found his daughter in the living room, crouched under a coffee table on her hands and knees, whispering damn.

Sighing, Clint got on his hands and knees, and dragged his daughter out. When she woudln't stop saying it, he laid her on the couch, and started tickling her mercilessly.

"STOOOOOP DADDDY STOP!!!!!" Screeeches like this filled the air, until he decided to let her breath for a moment.

"I'll stop tickling, if you stop saying damn, okay?"

Pant, pant. Lizzie nodded her agreement, as she was too short of breath to talk at the moment.

"Alright. Let's have tea then, okay? And don't tell mommy, okay?"

Loki: "Oh stop being such a bilgesnipe, brother!"

That's what Loki heard as he walked into the library one rainy afternoon. He pushed open the doors to see his twins, Margaret and Jonathon, arguing. Margaret had apparently been sitting on the sofa, reading, and her brother must have wanted something.

"What is the meaning of this?" He thundered as best he could.

"He was bugging me, and I just wanted to read!"

"She wouldn't come steal food with me from the kitchen!"

"Alright, alright. but what was that word you just called your brother?"

"Y-You mean bilgesnipe, Father?"

"Yes, exactly. Where did you hear that word?"

"Well, you see, Father, it was an accident really."

"Yeah, we didn't mean too."

"We were just walking past the training grounds,"

"Because we wanted to watch the sparring,"

"And then one of the soldiers,"

"Called the other one, a bilgesnipe,"

"And we thought it was funny." The twins always talked like this, it was admirable,really, the way they stuck together.

"Well, I don't care who said it when, I don't want to ever hear you saying it again! Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, Father."

"Good. Now go, get cleaned up. It's almost dinner time."

After the twins left, Loki stood there and watched them run back to their chambers, hoping that his darlings would never have to face a true bilgesnipe.


Alright, sorry if Loki was crap, but I couldn't find any other Asgardian swears.


So this was kinda the celebration idea, and there will be a part two, it's just too long to stick into one part.

So thank you so much again, I love you all, and keep reading and sending in ideas!!

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