You Saved Me

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When I popped back up, I felt a huge wave of water splash against my face. 

“LUKE!” I shouted, wiping my face.

“Wasn’t me,” he said, and sure enough he was sitting on one of the chairs. “T’was Calum.”

As soon as Luke stopped talking, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and lift me up.

“CALUM?! PUT ME DOWN NOW!” I shouted, trying to wriggle out of Calum’s grip.

“No, because I shall call you Squishy and you shall be mine.”

I drew back and kicked him in the leg.

“BAD, SQUISHY! BAD, SQUISHY!” he yelled, putting me down.

Shuffling out of the pool, I sat down next to Luke to tan a little, but knowing me I would probably burn so I sat under a spare umbrella. Ashton and Mikey walked out of the doors and sat down next to me, putting their stuff down. Calum got out and sat down dripping wet on the end of my seat, soaking my feet along with everything else.

“You, sir, are a large dick,” I said as I shoved him on to the concrete, already blazingly hot from the heat of the sun.

“Why thank you, Sargent Sarcasm.”

All the guys laughed.

“You’re welcome, Admiral Attitude.”

Calum just stood up, brushed himself off and threw me over his shoulder.

“Calum don’t you dare.” I warned. “No, no, no. Not the diving board. CALUM THOMAS HOOD! NO!”

He walked up to the diving board and jumped.

I was so going to get him back for that. He popped up above the water while I stayed under, floating to the top. I couldn’t hear anything but I felt a few taps on the back and something lifting me out of the water.

“GUYS! WHAT DO I DO?!” Calum shouted.

I could feel myself lying on his arm, still in the pool. I took this chance to raise my hand and give him a good smack across the cheek.


“You brought that upon yourself,” I said as I swam out of the pool, heading back towards the guys. “Alrighty, I’ve been thinking about this for a while,” I said as Cal hopped out of the pool.

“Oh no, I hope you don’t get one of those teenage girl ideas because you’re going to have to talk to Mali about that,” Mikey said.

“NO! Let me finish. I really love you guys. You saved me. You saved my life. I was planning on doing the unthinkable that night, but you guys gave me a second chance at life. And I want to thank you for that."

"We love you more," Mikey said, giving me a tight hug and all the guys joining in.

These boys really gave me a reason to live.

They saved my life.

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