Sandwiches and Competitions

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The guys thought that it would be fun if we had a little cooking competition. I was going against Luke and Ashton for the battle of the food. I had a fun apron with hearts all over that the guys threw at me. Luke had one with lemons decorating the front and Ashton was wearing one with cupcakes. I’m pretty sure one of their mom’s had left them here when they were over since the guys probably had no idea how to cook. 

“I hope you guys are ready for me to beat your butts.” Ashton said.

“You liar. You’re the one going down.” Luke threatened.

I watched them trash talk each other when finally Calum and Mikey walked down the stairs with some of my clothes on. Oh lord, help us not let the sight before us burn into our minds and not let our eyeballs fall from our heads.

They were wearing crop tops, booty shorts, and bows in their hair. Ashton almost passed out and Luke fell to the floor laughing. I was standing there, stunned.

“Okay, ladies.” Mikey announced in a high-pitched voice, clapping his hands together. “The dish you are going to prepare for us is pizza.”

“No,” Calum interjected. “We agreed on some type of sandwich.”

“Fine, make us some type of sandwich and we will choose whose is the best.” Mikey said sassily.

Luke, Ashton and I took our positions.

“Ready! Set! GO!” Calum yelled, starting his timer for 20 minutes.

I dashed to the walk-in pantry and grabbed a baguette. I was surprised that they had that in their pantry, not just white bread. Dashing to the fridge, I grabbed lettuce, tomato, turkey, mayonnaise, pepper jack cheese, avocado, and bacon. Everything is better with bacon. I threw the bacon in a pan and let it cook. I cut the baguette in half, toasted it, spread some mayo on it, and put some sliced tomato and shredded lettuce on it too. The bacon was done so I put it on in the sandwich and threw the sliced turkey into the pan with the left over bacon grease. As that cooked, I watched Ashton and Luke rush around the big kitchen. Luke had about all of his ingredients in one pan. Ashton had all of his ingredients scattered across the counter. My station was absolutely clean.

I took the turkey out of the pan and placed it on the sandwich. Calum yelled time and we all put our hands up.

“Will the chefs please place your dishes in front of thy judges.” Mikey said.

We picked up our plates and placed them on the dining room table.

“Luke, bring us your dish please.” Calum commanded. This entire “competition” was becoming a cooking show.

“Today I made for you a Philly Cheesesteak with peppers, onions, and some other things that I can’t name.” Luke said.

“I like it.” Mikey said after taking one bite.

“You like everything.” Calum stated.

“True, but I like how complex you went.” Mikey complimented. “Ashton, your dish please.”

“Today I made a grilled cheese sandwich with bacon and tomato.” Ashton announced.

“Again, I like it.”

“I like it too.”

“POINTS TO YOU ASHTON!” Mikey yelled.

“Renee, your sandwich please,” I had no idea why I was so nervous when I placed it in front of them, it was just a game. But my heart was pounding.

“Today I made for you a sort-of club sandwich.” I said.

“I like that it’s the only cold sandwich we have had, and I like all the flavors you combined.” Calum took another bite.

“Thank you.” I over-dramatically bowed.

Calum and Mikey turned around and huddled together.

“Okay,” Mikey turned around and shoved the plate away from him. “We have chosen a winner.”

“The winner is,” Calum paused. “Renee! Because she’s awesome and we love her more than we love you guys. And her sandwich was fabulous."

Both of them came over and gave me a hug. Then Ashton and Luke eventually walked over to give me a hug too. I was super excited to be able to cook all the time now, because they probably ate pizza almost every day of the week.

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