Sorry Won't Cut It

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The guys were in the recording studio while I sat in the super-fun spinning chairs, gliding around the recording booth. All of them were singing beautifully and Mikey even took his pants off. I was praying that nothing more would come off of his bottom half. 

“Frank?” Frank was one of the producers that was watching the guys. “Could I quite possibly borrow a notebook and a pencil?”

“Uh, sure.” He handed me a small moleskin notebook and a mechanical pencil.

I jotted down a tune that I had in my head and wrote some words to it. Everything was blacked out while I was jotting things down. I had finished almost an entire song by the time that the guys walked out of the studio. Luke had seen me slumped over in one of the chairs writing so, he decided to take the notebook right out of my hands and read it.

“Hey! Luke! Give it back!” I yelled, jumping up to get the notebook that was high above Luke’s head.

“This is actually a really good song Renee,” Luke complimented. He handed the others the notebook and they all agreed. They gave it to Frank and he had a satisfied look on his face. Like he liked what he saw.

“Hey kid? How about this; you go into the studio and record some of the vocals so these knuckle-heads have something to go off of. Sound good?” Frank said in his New York accent.

“Um, sure.” I walked in and set down the notebook in front of the mic on the stand.

Frank pressed a button and his voice boomed over the speakers. “Now tell us when you’re ready.”

I took a deep breath and gave him the thumbs up. He returned it and pressed something on his sound board. I read off the paper and sung to the tune in my head. The guy’s all looked astonished. Me being a Negative Nancy, I thought that I sounded horrible, but I kept going. When I stopped, I walked out and everyone’s mouths were agape.

“What? Was I really that bad?” I asked.

“No, that was amazing kid!” Frank said.


“Yeah! You’ve got a real talent. Hey, I’ll buy this song from you, and every time it’s played, you get a little extra dough.” He rubbed his fingers together to signal extra money.

“Uh,” I looked at the guys behind Frank. They all gave me a thumbs up and mouthed, “go for it!” I turned back to Frank. “Sure! I would love to sell you my song, ‘Sorry Won’t Cut It’ on one condition.”

“What would you like?” Frank smiled.

“I would like to write another song for these guys and I would like to sing it with them.”

“Sure! Why not?” Frank held out his hand and I shook it.

“Let’s go do some paperwork.” I grabbed Ashton’s hand and walked in to Frank’s office with him in tow.

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