Really Fucking Adorable

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 “Okay, Renee, I’m going to start calling you Ren, so get used to it,” Mikey said. “Also, the flight to LA is about 15 hours so, get to sleep if you can.”

“I’ll try.”

I was sitting next to Mikey, all of us in first class. Ash and Cal were behind us while Luke was in front. As I drifted off to sleep when we took off, my head on Mikey’s shoulder and his head on top of mine, I felt the back of my seat start to shake. My eyes shot open and I looked back to see Calum’s hands wrapped around the top of the seat.

“Stop it you dick,” I growled, trying to sound as menacing as I could.

“You’re cute when you’re mad,” he said pinching my cheeks.

“Oh, I can go from cute to really fucking adorable real fast,” I shot up from my seat, but Michael caught me by the waist.

“Ren, just sit down, you’re going to cause a scene.”

I tried to wiggle out of his grip but he was just too damn strong. For a kid that literally eats pizza almost every day of the week, he had some muscle on him. At that point I just rolled my eyes and sat back down.

“Here, listen to some music,” Mikey said handing me an earbud. He had the other one and his iPhone in his hand. I took it from his hand and put it on my ear. He ended up playing something called, “I Miss You” by Blink-182 or something and it wasn’t that bad. I heard some new music that I had never heard of before and I fell asleep halfway through the second album Mikey played.

I had another dream about my father about halfway through the flight. I awoke with a start, grabbing Mikey’s wrist tightly.

“Ow. Ow. Ow. Ren. Let go please.”

“Oh, sorry. Nightmare,” I explained.

“Wanna talk about it?”

“It was just about my dad, no biggie.”

“What? I thought you didn’t know your dad.”

“I don’t,” I mumbled.

“Then how would you know if it was your dad?”

“The woman said that he was, according to a DNA test.”

“We’ll talk about it later. But, we got our room assignments and you can choose who you want to stay with. Luke and I or Ash and Cal. Who do you want to stay with?”

“You and Luke,” I laughed. “I like you guys better."

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