Shattered Plates and Hearts

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I was awoken in the middle of the night by a huge crash. I swung my legs over the bed, put on my slippers, and ran down the stairs quietly. Peeking over the railing, I saw Calum sitting on the floor, surrounded by broken ceramic plates. Calum was sobbing with his head on his forearms. 

“Cal?” I whispered. He looked up, tears streaming down his cheeks. “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah. Yeah.” He wiped his tears. “Go back to bed.”

“No, I’m going to sit with you and you and I are going to talk about what’s wrong.” I brushed away the broken plates and slid down the cabinets, sitting down.

There were ceramic shards strewn all over the kitchen, some even reaching the living room. Calum looked like a huge mess and he looked extremely tired.

“So, what’s going on?” I asked, leaning a head on his shoulder.

“Well, Helena just broke it off.” He took a deep breath. “She said that we didn’t spend enough time together ever since you came along.”

I started to brush all the ceramics into a pile. “So, it’s my fault?”

“NO! Of course not! She just thought that we haven’t been spending a lot of time together recently.”

“I’m sorry, Cal,” I swept up all the shards and threw them into the trashcan. “I’ll just go now.”

I walked up the stairs, not a word coming from Calum.

Mikey was at the top of the steps, wiping the sleep from his eyes. He looked at me. Gesturing towards the kitchen, he asked what happened. I told him that Helena broke up with Calum because they haven’t been spending as much time together ever since I moved in with them.

"I'm just going back to bed.” I said, brushing past Mikey. “Night.”

“Night,” he replied.

I silently closed my bedroom door and went to go and sit in my closet to cry. Was I really that big of a problem? Was I the real reason that Calum and Helena broke up? Could this happen with the other guys’ girlfriends? I slowly cried myself to sleep on a pile of new t-shirts and shorts that I bought earlier that week.

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