A deal with the devil

Start from the beginning

He sits down on the edge of the bed looking at the mirror in front of him, then he found something unusual on his body. Rimuru's golden eyes have changed into a vivid red rose color, Not the same one as Raphael's eyes taking control over him. It has more of a deeper red color to it.

Rimuru calmed down his breathing and inspects his body more carefully 'Sensei... Revert to the original Mimicry'

'Understood' With that being said his body was covered with a black mist, seconds went by the mist faded away showing quite a shock for Rimuru.

Red lines of the punishing virus were emanating a dim light on his body, He was currently wearing a blue tank top and black shorts so the red lines can be seen easily.

It was quite an eerie sight for Rimuru, to have a deep red color eye and some veins of the virus showing off on his body. If someone were to come inside right now they would surely pee their pants to see a horror creature in front of them.

"So the virus has taken a liking on my body huh, quite laughable" with the newly given information from the appraisal he snickered on his statement.

"...Fuck" Rimuru laid down on the bed. He remembered what Raphael -sensei told him but for it to still not be fixed for all the months it was given, it really is living proof that Raphael is having a hard time battling and giving the punishing virus a complete isolation on his body.

'I humbly suggest for the frame to be built immediately' Raphael called out.

'To transfer the virus and use the virus to fight the virus, you are full of ideas sensei' Rimuru replied.



'We require more of the punishing virus for the frame to be fully operational'

'...' Rimuru sighed, what came out on Raphael's voice was unexpected.

'Sorry for the slight inconvenience, I personally would like to have better odds on us if a worst-case scenario occurred'

'It's fine sensei, after all, you are doing this for the sake of me so I appreciate it'

'Well, we are going back on earth once more so we could probably squeeze out a droid or two' Rimuru added.

The headache and the pain from his body have already subsided and using mimicry the red lines of the virus have been hidden also Rimuru's eyes turned back to their original gold color.

'I'll be sleeping again just wake me up for a few minutes I guess'



"Interesting, I would like to know the creator of this frame if the time is given" Asimov was currently interacting with a hologram interface analyzing the data and stats in Rimuru's frame.

"...The creator...is dead" Rimuru replied with a somewhat melancholic expression.

Before Rimuru gets to meet up with the Gray Raven he was suddenly called by Asimov to go to the lab to have his weekly check-up and maintenance.

"*cough* Still, there are readings of the virus within your body but to have it completely isolated inside and not spread, I gotta say I'm impressed by it"  Asimov spoke first leaving the different topic on the side although he would like to dive in deeper of the story, he disregarded it due to the data Asimov accumulated from Rimuru's frame.

After getting a scan from Asimov, Rimuru went to his side and checks up the hologram that shows the data on his frame. Even Rimuru was impressed by Raphael -sensei his body that shows complicated bits and bobs are the works of an Illusion Magic.

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