A deal with the devil

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"You failed to save us once more..."

Come back...

Everyone was standing in front of Rimuru with their bloodied and gruesome state, each individual in front of him has lost a limb or two.

To the onis, goblins, demons, humans, and everyone else that Rimuru cherished. He was surrounded by them staring with their lifeless eyes.

The scene was changed once more...

Countless frames of scenes were in front of Rimuru. Showing the empire that has succeeded in invading his country. The humans that were in the empire side, demolishing and defiling what was left on his country.

The female majority of Tempest. They were ravaged by the horrendous and lustful acts of the humans, the faces of both Shuna and Shion surrounded by them looking at Rimuru disgusted to it.

How about the rest you asked?
Blood, flesh, limbs were torn apart, insides that are spilled on the ground of tempest and more gruesome things you could ever imagine. The heads of the 12 patrons of Rimuru were staked on a stick bringing it back to the empire and showing it to the public.


[Deactivating Sleep skill, good morning Master]

Rimuru woke up from his nightmare, it wasn't his first experience of it, in fact ever since he was teleported to this planet he was hunted by those dreams. The death of everyone he loved.

Sitting upon his bed with his back on the wall while clutching his head the ragged breathing he has caught for air. if he could sweat, Rimuru would be sweating buckets right now, but he can't he is a slime after all.

It was currently early in the morning in Babylonia, so most of the lighting of the hallways is off right now. Rimuru stabilized his breath, stood up, and head into the kitchen.

Rimuru has been within Babylonia for a few months now, following and executing the mission and orders given by the higher-ups since he is a member of Gray Raven.

With his fully refurbished room that he spent numerous decor and dorm coins that he worked his butt off turning the bland room into a Japanese-themed one. Nanami also comes by into his dorm since she has taken a liking to his cooks. If there's time to spare Rimuru would teach Nanami the ways and ingredients of the type of food he would make.

They would also just stay in the room and have fun with both of their presence to one another, and mostly from Nanami humanitarian experiments or Rimuru giving her some info about Jura Federation.

Lucia on the other hand...
We don't talk about his kitchen that has exploded a good amount of time now.

He flicked the kitchen light switch on and grabbed a jar of water that has ice cubes on it, with the use of magic on the countertop, and poured it into a glass cup. Rimuru filled it to the brim and chugged it all down in a single swig.

Rimuru puts down the glass cup on the countertop and starts panting for air once more.

'Sensei...Run...Appraisal' He says as he catches for air midway.

Rimuru flicks off the light switch started walking back to his bed groggily, having a sudden headache on him and with multiple prickled pain coming from all over his body. It was such a sudden phenomenon.

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