Allies and Foes

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(A/N: to those who don't know PGR that's the face of the opponent, Rimuru is currently facing in the title picture '~' oh and at this part, she refers to Rimuru as she since Rimuru was wearing a mask so ye )


Rimuru and the female corrupted have been clashing each of their swords right now, causing their current situation to a stalemate.

Neither of them tried to overpower one another as they were trying to test each other strength or gimmicks, even Rimuru was not using future prediction as was using his swordplay skills.

'Her swordplay reminds me of a certain character sitting on a monobloc chair' Rimuru thought while blocking a blow from his side with his sword.

Rimuru counterattacked with a kick but the female corrupted jumps back making quite a distance from him, With his back facing the Gray Raven he called them out.

"Gray Ravens, please evacuate from this building, fighting in an enclosed space while protecting is not my favorite part"

The Commandant knowing they are a burden in this situation, he gritted his teeth in frustration. With their main vanguard hamstrung, attacks from Lee being deflected and block, he thought of ways to support or fight back but there's nothing he can do for now.

"Liv assist Lucia and Lee lead the way for us, we are leaving immediately" The commandant instructed.

"But commandant.." Liv who was reluctant about it retorted

"Look we are sitting ducks right here in that person's eyes so we have to go now"

Liv puts Lucia's left arm on his back while the commandant was on the right side of Lucia assisting her, as they started walking to the exit. The commandant looks back at the masked individual only to be given a nod to him.


'Have they left the building Raphael -sensei?' Rimuru thought

[They have successfully exited this area, no problem whatsoever]

'Good' Rimuru looks back infront of him, putting his katana back to its sheath. He already successfully created 3 shots of Meggido orb that he is hiding in his back ready to be fired at any moment.

"I prefer if we talked this out" he showed both of his opened hands to show no hostility to the female corrupted "I have lots of questions that need to be answered, I suppose you are too," he said with a straightforward expression.

The female corrupted was still cautious about it with her guard up, waiting for the kinds of tricks this individual was infront of her.

"Let's break this silence shall we?" Rimuru sat down in a crossed-legged position. "How do you know I'm here, I'm sure I'm perfectly hidden"

"Virus..." The corrupted replied.

"Hm?" Rimuru tilted his head in confusion.

"To have that amount of punishing virus within you and not succumb to lunacy, that's already a feat itself."

"So it's called the Punishing Virus, huh, quite appropriate with this kind of situation" Rimuru retorted "And that goes same for you too lady"

Rimuru stood up and starts patting his dirtied coat "My name is Rimuru, Rimuru Tempest and you are?"

'To give her name to a being that might cause harm to her is she insane' The female corrupted thought.

"...Alpha" she replied.

"Quite unusual for a name but I'll take it, well then Alpha I'll be taking my leave now" Rimuru bowed and turned around, and starts walking.

"Who said you are to leave this area"

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