"Diana! Mr. Black is waiting. Are you ready?" Maria asked as she walked into the room.

"Wow. You look really good." She said.

"It looks okay right?" I asked insecure for some reason. I was usually confident knowing that I was dressing for myself and not for anyone else. But, with Stefan I felt slightly worried I was not going to meet up to his standards. Actually his wrath. My mind reassured me of my feelings.

"Yes." She said as she gave me a hug and walked out. I grabbed my phone and walked out. As I walked down the stairs I saw Stefan standing there in a black suit. He looked at me with a blank face.

"We will get late." He said as he cleared his throat and looked at his watch. I rolled my eyes and gave him a fake smile.

"Sorry." I said. I walked in front of him outside to the car.

He opened the door for me and I got in. He got in from the other side and the car was entirely silent. I was looking at the scenery. It has been a long time since I have been out in city.

We came to the venue and I saw all the paparazzi that was there. Stefan opened the door for me and helped me out. I smiled at him and he still had a straight face. I rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking. We took pictures together and then went in. The place was really pretty. Stefan had walked off to talk to the other business men. I went over to the bar and ordered a drink for myself. I was trying to look for Stefan and he was not to be seen. I huffed. I thought about how all those paparazzi were asking if I was a plaything and want not.

"What is a pretty lady like you doing with a person to talk to?" A man came and asked me.

"Ordering myself a drink. That will keep me company." I said feeling slightly at unease.

"Well, you can always have company." The man said with a smile as he sat down next to me.

"So what do you?" I ask trying to be polite.

"I own a computer chip business." He said.

"Ah. That is nice." I said politely.

"It is alright. I mean not as great as you." He said as he moved his stool a little closer.

"That is too kind of you." I said as I finished my drink.

"I mean it really. You look beautiful and this dress feels so soft." He said as he touched my dress.

"It is soft." I said as I moved a little. I felt entirely on edge and all I could see was red flags around him.

"But, it doesn't seem as smooth as your skin. Don't you think?" he asked as he as he touched my exposed right leg through the slit in the dress.

"Would you excuse me. I think I need to find the person I came with tonight." I said as I got up and tried to walk in the crowd. Hopefully he won't follow.

"Why are you leaving?" he asked as he followed.

"I need to find a person." I said.

"Come on. I am really fun. I crack great jokes as well." He said.

"I am sure you do. But, I really need to find my partner." I said.

"Look how about I just ask you to dance?" he asked.

"I am politely declining. Now if you excuse me..." I said.

"You will dance with me." He said as he grabbed onto my forearm. I squirmed as his grip hurt.

"Please let me go. I don't think you would want to face the wrath of my partner." I said.

"All the pretty girls say they have a partner when they don't. Don't try to fool me." He said as he took a step forward. I looked around and saw Stefan in the corner. I got out of the man's grip and ran towards the direction of Stefan. I was near him.

In Debt To The DevilDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora