ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ #05 :

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Tears welled in her eyes, blurring the world around her. After witnessing the scene earlier, she immediately turned and ran. Her fragile heart felt like it shattered into million shards. Everyone were cheering for them, except her. And she wonders if that made her a bad person.

She let out  shuddering sigh, the sound swallowed by the gurgling stream. A tear left her eyes and she immediately wipe it off using the back of her hand. Another followed, then another, until a continuous stream of tear stride down her cheeks. Her sobs was the only sound you can hear in the quiet forest along with the stream.

She gripped her chest harshly hoping the pain would vanish, but it just worsen the pain she was feeling. She hugs herself and embraced the lonely scenery. Tears finally stopped falling from her eyes.

She decided to get to her feet, realizing that sulking wouldn't change anything. Drown on her thoughts, she let her limbs lead the way- not really knowing the path. She left carves to each and every tree she passes, marking the direction.

The relentless walking crept numbness to Hanabi's legs that forced her to stop. With a shaky breath, she sat down onto a massive, moss-covered stone and began to massage her limbs gently, while observing the forest attentively. She hasn't reached that part of the forest yet, so, despite the relaxing atmosphere it emanates, she couldn't help but be alert. 

The scarlet ninja decided to get on her feet, sensing the silent danger of its peacefulness. She was about to stride back when a sudden silhouette catches her sight. Adrenaline crept onto Hanabi and summon her Higanbana at once.

Roaming around, Hanabi never saw and felt the silhouette again. When she was about to turn back on her path, a familiar strong-dark energy made her halt in her place. She was taken aback when all of a sudden, a mysterious temple appeared in front of her. 

Hanabi the swallowed the lump on her throat seeing the heavy wooden torii (gate), where she stands. It holds a powerful barrier against who would dare to trespass. 

Her grip on her weapon tightens, "w-what in the world is this place?" 

Hanabi bit her lip hard, shaking the worst answer on her question. "There's no way that this is the abandoned temple of the shadow faction." her hands tremble at her sudden realization. Then a memory entered her mind like a shot.

 "Hanzo." it was when she met him first.

"No way this is happening... Hanzo- the Akuma Ninja? The ninja who secretly fused Hanekage's power with his own body, feeding the demon with the blood of his enemies." she tells herself.

"Have I not told you before that once we meet again I'll cut your throat?" Hanabi almost stumble on her feet hearing a deep voice behind her. The scarlet ninja turned around in a swift motion with her weapon on her hand, aiming for her opponent's neck. But unfortunately, before the blade could even reach its skin, he was able to blink away.

"And I did too..." her sharp stares not leaving the demon in front of her despite confirming that it was Hanzo- their clan's traitor.

Hanzo scoffs, feeling amused. "Do you know what it means once you see my temple?" he paused, "It means... death." 

Hanabi swallowed the lump on her throat and pointed her blade towards his direction. "I'm not going to die without a fight." 

To Hanabi's wonder, the Akuma ninja only shook his head and chuckled. "Does your father even know where you are? or that shadow ninja you fancy so--" he wasn't able to finish his sentence when a swift dagger suddenly came flying to his direction which he successfully avoided.

"I'm amused, really." he uttered, and Hanabi could see him smirking behind his mask. Hanzo began walking towards her direction which aslso made Hanabi step back.

"Don't come near me." Hanabi said as she gritted her teeth in fear and rage.

Seeing her tremble hands, Hanzo merely chuckled, his crimson red eyes darting straight to the scarlet ninja's soul. He didn't stop on getting near her, so she also did not stop on stepping back, not until when she realized that she's now inside the wooden torii gate. To her surprise, she stumbled on a huge stone and lost her balance.

She was expecting the ground hitting her bottom but a strong hand immediately held her waist. Her heart throbbed in fear realizing who's hand was wrapped around her waist. She hastily pushed Hanzo but he just chuckled and held her closer.

Hanabi stiffened, her eyes wide open while looking at the blade pressing onto her neck. It was dripping in blood, and the thought of seeing her blood mix on it made her tremble in fear.

"L- let go..." the scarlet ninja forced to pushed him away once again, but instead of letting her go, he tightened his grip around her even more.

"Too fragile for a Grandmaster's daughter..." their eyes locked.

"What did you say?" Hanabi asked, her brow arched in a perfect curve.

"You're weak for being the Scarlet Grandmaster's daughter." he answered, sounding so disappointed. 

To Hanabi's surprise, he pulled his blade away and let go of her. "Fighting you won't even earn me victory." 

Hanabi scoffs, "Take back what you said." 

He merely arched his brow that made Hanabi sneered in rage. Without any delay, she shifted her weight and spang a kick towards the Akuma ninja, but the latter just avoided it by blinking away. Hanabi greeted her teeth and relentlessly rained him strong punches and kick but despite her effort, he just avoided them by blocking her attacks.

"I'm not in the mood to fight, but... fine." he mumbled under his breath and before Hanabi could even noticed, a strong kick hit her left leg that made her cry from intense pain.

"This reminds me of my training when I was still a child." he uttered and directed a punch towards the scarlet ninja and before it could even hit her, she eventually covered her face with both arms which made her grunt in pain. 

Hanzo chuckled, "I really want to see you unconscious with just two attack, but unfortunately, you're quite strong." 

Tears began welling up in Hanabi's eyes. She doesn't want to exaggerate it but she could literally feel her bones got dislocated. "Two attacks, huh? Sounds like someone needs a coarse correction. Care to test that theory again?" 

With no time to waste, Hanabi blink towards his direction and slash her blade on his waist. Hanabi heard a grunt that made her conclude that  she successfully hit him. She didn't wait any second and throw continuous punches against the Akuma ninja. She once again summon her Higanbana and was about to aim it to his neck but to her surprise, he catches her wrist and without any notice, twist it.

"Ahh!" Hanabi cried.

"I had fun sparring with you, though I would really like it if we won't cross path anymore." he uttered and without warning, he grip the scarlet ninja's neck and lift her over his head then slammed her to the ground, leaving Hanabi unconscious.

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