Start from the beginning

Juju nodded his head as he walked into Mahogany's welcoming arms and mumbled "too loud." Mahogany purposely kept sound canceling headphones in her room for him whenever her parents argued, and in her opinion the fact that she even had to do that was sad within itself.

"They always yelling at each other." 10 year old Eboneé says muttering as she picked at the chipped parts of her iPod screen. "Swear I can't wait until i get out this house." She mumbled.

"Get out and go where?" Mahogany says as she continues rubbing Jujus back.

Eboneé humps her shoulders up and down. "I dont know but any where then here is better for sure, Uncle Tee scares me."

"He scares me too." Mahogany spoke truthfully. "But y'all stick with me and you'll be okay."

Mahogany heard something break in the kitchen and sighed knowing that she'd be the one to clean up her parents grown ass mess per usual. She felt like she was the adult half the time with raising both kids who aren't even hers, rushing home to make sure their fed, and having to protect them from family. A sad life that she couldn't tell any one about.

"JUJU!" Mocha, Mahogany's momma yells from the kitchen making Juju freeze in Mahogany's arms. "Juju I know you hear me!"

"Its okay Ju, go before she get mad and then you can come right back." Mahogany says.

"Juju if I say it again I'm grabbing a switch!" Mocha says, her speech is slurred and barely clear letting Mahogany know that she was fucked up in the head. Mocha was the hardest on Juju simply because he was on the spectrum, she knew he didn't know how to react to half the things she said or did to him which is why she picked at him the most. A sad excuse for a mother indeed...picking at a six year old who didn't even ask to be on the spectrum or be born for that matter.

"She always picking at him. I swear I hate this house." Eboneé says slouching against the wall with her hood over her head, leggings, and beat converse.

"Shh." Mahogany says trying to listen in.

"Juju what I tell you bout running off to your sister every time me and your daddy argue? What you a lil bitch or something? If I'm not yelling at you why are you going to her and hiding?" Mocha says.

Mahogany cracks her room door open and hears Juju choke up on his words. He didn't know what to say.

"Man the fuck up, you're my son not my fucking daughter! Why can't you be normal Ju? Me and your daddy got all the right chromosomes and shit and somehow you STILL came out fucked up!" She slurred her words. Mahogany could hear Juju getting ready to cry which caused her to swing the door open and walk out.

"Juju go to my room." Mahogany says making Juju look at her with tears in his eyes. "Ju go."

"No Ju stay right there." Mocha says.

Mahogany cuts her eyes at him which makes him turn on his heels and walk back to her room sniffling.

"Its okay Ju. She's just a fucking bully." Eboneé says as she lifts him up.

"Im just a fucking what?" Mocha says cutting her eyes at Eboneè.

"See no this is what we're not about to do. You're not about to put your hands on them because we all know how you get and you not bout to keep messing with Juju. You talking about him being messed up in the head like we all don't know autism runs in your family! He ain ask to be here ma! NOBODY wants to be in this toxic household! NOBODY! We stuck here!" Mahogany says. "Leave JuJu alone and Im not about to say it again because you may be my mother but you touch him and I'll fight you like you one of the females off sixth street!"

Mocha doesn't respond taking back from her daughter's words. She waves her off and lights a cigarette. "Your uncle Tee and uncle Desmon is coming over, all of you go change."

"Why we gotta change in our house? We not even wear nothing bad." Mahogany says.

"Mahogany girl I'm not about to argue with you now go change, you know how your uncles get when they see they favorite nieces and nephew."

"Nah YOU KNOW how your rapist ass brothers get but you choose to protect them more than you wanna protect us." Mahogany says.

"My brothers is not a fucking rapist, watch your mouth before I swing on you." Mocha says bucking up.

"Oou momma please do so I can have a reason to knock you on your ass because I been waiting." Mahogany says.

Most people were shocked when they heard the way two of them talked to each other but it was obvious there was no sense of respect. Mocha didn't respect her children and Mahogany didn't respect her mother as a person.

"Aye there won't be nunna that in my house." Dreshaun says coming into the small kitchen holding a bottle of Hennessy. "Mahogany you heard your mother now go change so you won't tempt her brothers."

Mahogany shook her head looking at her father, he used to be her person and now he just wasn't him. "Who are you bro? Like what do you not hear yourself."

"Imma just make it clean and simple, either yall go CHANGE or yall get the fuck out my house because I'm tired of you disrespectful ass children."

"Girl fuck you! What have you done for us three disrespectful children beside pop us out and care for us the first 4 years of our lives. As I recall you smoked and drank while pregnant with Eb and Ju so you don't give a damn about us." Mahogany says.

"You know what, get out." Mocha snaps.

"What?" Dreshaun says in shock. He wasn't him anymore, but not once had it crossed his mind to throw the kids out.

"They need to leave! Grab all of yall shit and get the fuck out!" Mocha says.

All three of the kids stand in shock which makes her even more angry. "Alright bet." She pushes past Mahogany and begins grabbing all of the kids stuff and dropping them off the balcony. "Get your shit outside lil itty bitty bitch." She says as she begins tossing their stuff. "I shoulda swallowed yall asses!"

"And your momma shoulda swallowed you." Mahogany smartly says as she grabs trash bags and quickly stuffs her belongings inside. It wasn't much but there was no way she was going to let her mother toss anything she didn't buy.

Juju sat crying on the floor which caused Mahogany to pick him up while Eboneé hurried and packed her stuff up in a bag as well. "Grab your shit and get out!" Mocha screamed like a lunatic pushing the three kids towards the door.

It was pouring outside but luckily Mahognay had grabbed her umbrella because if she hadnt, Mocha didn't give a damn about them being in the rain.

"Yall might wanna pack up yall shit cause the rain catching it." She smirked before she slammed the door shut.

"My shoes!" Eboneé cries as she runs into the rain and begins to pack everything up.

"Juju you stay right here in the shade away from the rain." Mahogany says as she quickly puts him down and helps Eboneé pack both her and Jujus things into the other trash bag. Once they got everything they huddled together out of the rain while Mahogany scrolled through her call log to make some calls.

After realizing she couldn't call family, she called the girls and told them what home life was really like and they opened their arms to her immediately.

Life was harder for colored girls and the girls knew it, which is why the girls stuck together.

"Its okay Juju." Mahogany hugs him comfortingly. "We're gonna be straight, big sis got us for life."

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Thoughts on Mocha?

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