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Appledog came to Tong Nian's room to go shopping for Ball Night. 

" By the way Tong Nian what kind of dress do you like? I mean if you have something in mind it's better to find out."

"Ummm actually I don't wear dresses. So I don't have any idea about that, to be honest."

"Ehh! I thought I am the one who is tomboy here or I can say who was. But you are also one I think."

"I will say I am not a tomboy but my dressing sense is different."

"Ok, but do you have any particular color in mind?"

" No I think but......"


" do you think it will look good if I match with Han Shangyan?"

"Hmmm. Well, It's a really good idea actually. But all men are wearing a black suit and you know Han Shangyan right? I think he is going to wear a black shirt with that like usual. But a black dress sounds perfect."

" Yeah Han Shangyan looks good in Black..."

"How do you know that? He just wears that color like someone is dying every day for him."


"OK OK, my dear Tong Nian I know he looks the best but now we need to focus on you. Let's go!"

Tong Nian and Appledog were just leaving the hotel suddenly they met Han Shangyan.

Han Shangyan-" Where are you going?"

Before Tong Nian could say something Appledog interrupted.

"We are going shopping."

"Shopping? Why with Appledog?" He answered like Appledog is not even visible to him.

Tong Nian-" Umm actually she said I need to go to a party or something and I don't have anything to wear so I am just going to buy something."

"Oh, I thought........."

Appledog-" You thought what? You didn't ask so she can't go? She will go."

"I was not going to say that. I thought I will ask her properly."

Appledog-" Oh oh ok. I mean you can ask her now."

" There's no need anymore. She already understood I was going to ask her so you guys can continue whatever you were doing."

Appledog made a face like she was annoyed and Tong Nian smiled softly. 

Appledog-" He is so cold. Why do you like him so much?"

"Umm, I don't know. I think I prefer this kind of guy more."

"Hmm, but he could have asked you properly for the date."

"Leave it. Now I am excited about my dress!"

Appledog and Tong Nian started looking for a perfect shop. For Tong Nian everything looked the same but Appledog was really picky. After one whole hour, Appledog liked a shop and without wasting a minute she started to look at dresses. She handed over seven dresses to choose from. And Tong Nian obediently took them inside changing room.

She tried the first dress and came out from the changing room.

It was a plain black dress with a 'V' neck. Tong Nian felt pretty uncomfortable wearing that dress. The neckline was so sharp! 

Appledog-" Hmmm the dress is not anything special but you look good in it. But it is a NO."

Tong Nian went inside and changed to a different black dress. That dress was also pretty but too revealing for her. She came out.

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