First Meet

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God knows how we will do in Beijing. One other team is also going with us. They are really good too. My mind is getting stuck up. Ufffff...

"Nian Nian how many chips you are going to finish?"

"Oh sorry! I was tensed that's why."

"When you will have to go to washroom again and again don't say me."

Yaya is one kind of guardian for me. She scolds me as mom.

"Passengers we are boarding to Nanjing now. Thanks for taking our flight."

We need to wait more 2 hours at airport. Oh god actually I think I have stomachache.

"Yaya I need to go to washroom. Wait for me here."

"Ok ok. Come back early."

Suddenly I saw a little boy crying. I need to go to washroom. But I can't leave without helping him.

"Hey little buddy what happened? Why are you crying?"

"I can't find my mom big sister."

"Ohh it's okay. We can find your mom easily. Don't cry. Wipe your eyes."

"Are you going to find my mom?"

"I am going to announce your name. That's going to help you. Don't worry."

"You are so good big sister. Thanks a lot."

"Oh god you're bleeding! Wait a second. How did you hurt?"

"I was running and suddenly fell."

I teared my scarf to help him. I saw a guard and told him all the situation. He took that little boy with him.

"Bye bye"

Suddenly I saw a tooooooo handsome man looking at me. God! He is so handsome. Who is he? Do I know him? I don't think so.But why is he looking at me like this. My dress is alright right? My makeup? What happened? I don't know but I liked him so much. Ok it's too much. I need to go to washroom. I can't control anymore.

Where is the man? Oh god he left!?

"Oh god! Oh god! I need to hurry up."

I just closed the door someone knocked the door.

"What? Let me finish first."

"Open the door."

Man's voice! Hell what is this! I opened the door and that handsome man. Oh god!

"What are you doing here! It's male washroom."

"What are you saying it's female washroom."

"I am saying it's male washroom but you are showing your eyes!"

"I am just saying I saw right. It's for female."

"Sometimes ago I thought you are really a sensible child. But right now I think I was wrong. You are kinda shameless."

"Child! Who is child?! I am a post graduate student."

"So? Little child go to the female washroom. Go go!"

He threw me from washroom.

"How can you-"

I came out from washroom and looked at the board. Oh god yeah it's actually male washroom. God what was this! My first impression in front of my crush like this! Maybe he is thinking I am illiterate. God how can you do this to me!

Yaya And Me

"Tong Nian! You came back! Why did you took so time?"

"Um? Nothing."

"Have you seen KK and SP teams are here too?"

"Yaya my life is going to ruin and you are saying this all?"

"I am just thinking of meeting Gun God and Mi Shaofei."

"Aren't they from CTF?"

"You know them? I thought you don't know about CTF."

I hesitantly smiled. ( I can also play CTF. What would be your reaction then!)

"No I just heard their name."

"The passengers of Beijing please take your seat. You are taking off soon.Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Let's go Tong Nian."

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