,,Mommy is back!" Ryan calls out to Liam, who is sitting on the ground, a piece of LEGO in his hand. Ryan runs up to Kara and jumps into her arms.

,,Did you show the authorities your investigation?" Emma walks into the living room too now, with three glasses in her hand.

,,Yeah, I did."

,,And what did they say?"

,,They promised me to restart the research." Liam looks at me now.

,,Wait, does that mean that they still can find Beca?" I nod and now Kara, Liam and Emma squeal in excitement, startling Ryan a little. ,,I'm sorry, buddy." Liam say to Ryan, while Kara holds him. Emma and Liam walk over to me.

,,This is good news, right?" Emma asks me.

,,I think so. They aren't sure they will find her or a body, but they said that they would search the islands with an helicopter."

,,You don't sound happy." I look down for a moment and take a breath.

,,I'm not." I say honestly, what causes Liam and Emma to give me a surprised look. ,,I want them to find her obviously, but what if they find her body? She can be dead."

,,If she was dead, don't you think they would've found a body by now?"

,,I guess but -" Emma holds up her hand.

,,I get that it's scary," She says and put her hand on my shoulder. ,,the love of your life can be still alive. She could've survived the accident, you never know."

,,Yeah but a lot has happened in these two years, Emma! You have two children, I have a child and your parents despise me. Beca would be devastated to see me this way."

,,Oh come on! You two have survived worse things. Remember when Beca punched your ex? Remember the hate she got from his friends after that? Remember that Beca got chased by his friends for two whole weeks?"

,,Of course I do, but that's not the same."

,,Well, it kinda proves me right. Beca is always on your side, always. If Beca is still alive and returns, she will still be in love with you. I know my little sister."

,,But what if she will be furious?" Liam sighs.

,,Then she will be furious." I look at him. ,,Yeah, Beca might be very hurt to see that you have moved on, to see your son and yes, she can avoid you for a time but at the end she will always forgive you. She will always come back to you and spend the rest of her life with you."

,,You really think so?" Now both Emma and Liam nod.

,,Beca is crazy about you, Chloe. You have to keep that in mind. She won't let you fall." I smile as I wipe away one single tear. Emma and Liam pull me into their arms. ,,It will be alright." They whisper and that really comfort me. I wipe away some more tears before looking over to all four.

,,What do you guys say we go camping tonight?" I ask them and immediately I see Ryan's face lit up. ,,You would like that, sweety?"

,,Yes, please mommy. Camping?!" Kara laughs.

,,The last time we were camping was four years ago, remember?" Kara looks at Liam, Emma and me now. ,,It was your fathers idea, Chloe and Beca was so nervous." I smile as the memory plays in front of my eyes.


Today Beca, her family and my family are camping. It's a big family camping trip with seven tents. This trip is my fathers idea because he wants to bond, he wants to get to know Beca and her family but all I want is to hold Beca's hand by the fire. We aren't girlfriends because Beca blew me off when I wanted to ask her and I still don't know why she did that but I will find out.

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