And just like that, He snapped. Any restraint he had, gone in an instant. Before he could even think, his legs took off fueled completely by desperation and adrenaline.


Mrs Barlowe cried, but all he could hear was the echo of Sarah's distressed yelling.

Sarah's in Trouble, someone is hurting her. I need to save her! I have to protect her!

He chanted in his head. Everyone was caught off guard but only Mrs Barlowe followed him. The rest stood and watched as the two of the disappeared from view.


My eyes feel heavy, I don't want to open them... Wait, why am I asleep? and why does my bed feel so weird? Am I moving? What's going on?

I have no choice but to open my eyes and light immediately invades my pupils the second my eyelids rise. I blink a few times to focus my vision.

"Heey...You're awake."

A familiar voice softly sounds

"Am I on the bus?"

I finally manage to ask but my voice is raspy for some reason and my throat hurts.

"Yeah, we're going back to the hotel."

Wait a minute...

"What the-"

I quickly lift myself off the person I am laying on and that's when a sharp piercing pain activates in my waist and back


I flinch, trying my very best to hide how much pain I'm actually in.

"Dude, you're hurt, don't get up so fast."

Zaccai advises.

That's right, my memories are rushing back. Those three morons from Amton high, they... Those B****rds! How dare they!


I turn to face Zaccai, about to tell him I'm fine, but notice the anger hiding behind his concerned expression. He's furious...

"Why do you look like that?"

I ask, intending to switch the focus of his thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"You look like you're plotting murder, stop it, it's weird."

A faint smile forms on his face and he Snickers.

"Am I that easy to read?"

I sit myself properly and notice the other three people I hadn't acknowledged.

"Sarah! You're awake!"

Mrs Barlowe exclaims. Tess and Mike are being uncharacteristically quiet.

"We are almost at the hospital. Don't worry."

"Hospital? What do you mean?"

Zaccai and Mrs Barlowe exchange confused expressions

"S... Sarah, those boys hurt you pretty badly... you need to get checked out."

She explains


"This isn't the time to be stubborn Gordon, you're clearly hurt."

Zaccai demands

"I am not going to a freaking hospital, let's just please go back to the hotel."

"But Sarah-"

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