CHAPTER 42 ↠ a permanent job & drunk talks

Start from the beginning

"I would love to keep that opportunity open," Bea agrees. "By the way, how is Lizzie? She'll give birth soon, right?"

"She's doing fine and awaiting the baby eagerly."

"That's good."

"You'll start your job next week. As you know I'm still running for parliament, so you'll need to catch up on all of that business and my schedule."


"I see you are enthusiastic. I hope it keeps up."

"I'm sure it will. It's what I've wanted for a while — an actual job at the Company."

"Before you go, I want you to be honest with me," Tommy says putting out his cigarette. "Did something happen? At the time you sent me the letter."

Bea licked her lips as they had suddenly gone dry.

"Nothing happened, Tommy."

"What went wrong?"

"It was just... a little argument. Nothing much, we moved passed it."

"Did you?"

"Well... passed that one yes, but... I guess it kind of all went wrong when I told Michael I was coming back to Birmingham."

"How so?"

"I guess it was my fault... since I only told him I was leaving the day before."

"He reacted badly?"

"He sort of asked me to stay with him."

"That seems all right."

"And when I told him I was definitely leaving, he proposed."

"He—he proposed? To you?" Tommy was shocked. Of everything he could imagine, that was not on the list.

"I denied him, not in a kind way and... well, what's done it's done."

"What's done is done," Tommy repeats. "So, you've got bad blood with him, or something?"

"I hope nothing time won't heal."

"All right well... Apart from that you enjoyed your time in New York, right?"

"I did, yes. It was a great experience."

Tommy nods and then tells her she could go if there was nothing else she wanted to say. Bea stands up and leaves Tommy's office. 

Bea went to The Garrison with Finn and Isaiah that night. They were drinking and Finn was, once again, drunk.

"You're working for Tommy now, then?" Isaiah confirms.

"I start next week. For now, all I am is Tommy's secretary, but hopefully, in the future, I may be able to progress and have a more important role in the company. I can do just as much as Michael can, so..."

The Golden Girl ↠ Finn ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now