"It really has," he smiled, spreading his arms along the couch, she leaned back on the couch.

"You still wear the necklace?" Draco asked, noticing the glimmering charms resting on her collarbone.

"Yeah. I mean, of course, I do. I wear it every day," she said, fiddling with one of the butterflies.

"You don't have to, you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't actually think you would wear it. If you don't I'm not gonna be upset. It's really corny of me to give it to you honestly," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm wearing it by choice, not by force. And no, Draco, it's not corny. I think it's sweet," She smiled.

His mouth twitched into a smile. He was glad she liked it.


Faris was now wading through the water in the Black lake with Blaise. Of course, Blaise being the silly goose that he was, had crafted a plastic shark fin and strapped it to his back.

He found it very amusing.

And to top off his work of art he also wore gray swimming trunks, a snorkel, and gray flippers. He was very proud of himself.


"Yes, ma'am?" He gurgled through his mouthpiece.

"You've got a little friend following you," she grinned.

He squinted his eyes at her through his foggy goggles, looking around at his surroundings. Turning around to meet a large beige-colored fish.

His eyes widened as he let out a high-pitched scream. He quickly swam away, but the fish only followed him close behind.

"THERE'S A FUCKING EEL FOLLOWING ME!" He shrieked, swimming as fast as his flippers could take him.

Faris was roaring with laughter, her wet hair falling over her face as she gasped for air. "It's not an eel that's following you, it's a snakehead murrel you dork!"

"THERE'S A FUCKING SNAKE FOLLOWING ME!" He screamed, paddling out of the water. As Faris swam back towards shore she was still snorting with laughter.

He wrapped his arms around himself goosebumps trailing over his body. "Faris-wheel, what are you doing?! There is a snake in the water!" He whined, jumping around.

"It was not a snake nor an eel, it was a snakehead murrel. Completely harmless."

He made a sour face. "May I ask how you know what type-"

"Can I join you?" Draco asked, standing behind Blaise.

Blaise jumped, turning around meeting Draco's eyes. "Yes, of course, you can," Faris said. Draco immediately noticed Blaise's wide eyes and his stiff position. He tugged his shirt over his head and tossing it to the side.

"You alright there, skittish?" Draco asked, patting him on the back before slipping into the water.

"Aren't you gonna get in?" Faris asked a shivering Blaise. He pressed his lips together before jumping back into the water.

He met the surface of the water, spitting water out onto Draco's face.

"God, you're disgusting," he said as he dunked his head under the water, pulling the hair out of his face.

"Blaise, look out there's a fish!" Faris yelled.

Blaise screamed, jumping onto Faris's back. "HAVE MERCY! SPARE ME AND TAKE THE MODEL!"

"What the hell?" Draco chortled.

Blaise squeezed his eyes shut, wrapping his arms and legs tightly around Faris.

"What's he so scared of?" Draco asked.

Faris threw Blaise off of her wrapping an arm around his shoulder shaking him. "Blaise my buddy here, is terrified of fish."


She nodded, breaking up into fits of laughter, Draco laughed with her. Blaise shook himself out of Faris's grip, pouting his lip.

"You're- you're scared of fish-and yet you're dressed as a shark?" Draco sputtered.

"A cute shark," he added. "Oh, come on, what are you scared of then, Draco?"

Draco hesitated, "Balloons."


"Nah, I'm kidding," he said. "Needles probably."

"Well, it is more believable than balloons . . ." Faris smirked.

"Then what are you scared of?" Draco asked.

"HA! I'm not telling you." Faris mocked.

"Then give us a hint."

"Fine . . . it's really loud."

Blaise tapped his chin in thought, his eyes looking crooked through his goggles. "My mum and dad fuck-"

"Okay, I think you've guessed enough!" Faris interrupted, splashing Blaise. Draco chuckled

Little Talks - A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now