Part 9: Not Quite Home Sweet Home

Start from the beginning

Where was he now? Where were you, exactly? You had no idea where he'd taken you, only that he'd taken you. You remembered the iron gates of what must have been a fancy house, though you hadn't seen it in the darkness. You remembered being carried through the threshold, but that was about it.

Now you really wanted to get out of this room and see what your prison looked like. Sure, he'd said he wasn't locking you away here, but that didn't mean it was true. Maybe he just wanted to keep you content. How could you trust anything he said to you, especially about reality? And you doubted he had your best interests at heart.

Ida finished eating with the softest pop, squirming slightly and trying to look around before you picked her up and gently laid her on your shoulder as you'd been shown, giving her gentle, firm pats on the back to burp her while Ada continued to eat. You didn't mind if she spit up on your shirt, you needed to get dressed into something clean, anyway, since you were still wearing the same clothes as last night.

Once Ida burped, you laid her back down in your lap, waiting until Asa finished to do the same with him. You picked them both up and put them back in their cribs so you could get changed, wanting to explore the house and see how big it was and what was here first before you did anything else. You dug out your double wrap baby carrier, taking a few minutes to make sure you had it properly adjusted around yourself before picking up the twins and putting them into the proper places so you could carry them around while you looked around. Whenever you settled, you were also wearing a shirt that had a pocket in the front for concealed, easy skin to skin time, bit enough for both twins to be situated into. But it was only for when you were stationary and sitting down, which was why they were in the wrap for now, supported comfortably on either hip in the M position.

Once you were dressed and the twins were comfortable and secure, you quietly stepped out and into the hallway, looking around slowly to take in the sight of what you immediately pegged in your mind as a small mansion, or at the very least a very fancy house. The hallway you expected to step into was more like a U shaped balcony. You stood on one of it's legs, your own private bathroom–filled with all of your towels and bathroom supplies–off to your right at the end of the balcony, and when you moved to the left, you came to an actual hallway that ran along the base of the balcony parts and stretched beyond. One end of the normal hallway had another bathroom in it, in the middle were two doors that led to two separate guest bedrooms, and on the other end of the hall was a spiral staircase. The other balcony style hallway held another bedroom whose entrance was at the far end of the balcony hall, one that was sparsely decorated in more of a minimalist style with a bed that looked hardly touched, and a similar setup of newer, high end cribs and changing tables opposite the bed, including a firm arm chair in the corner. That must have been Levi's room. Closer to the base of the U was a third bathroom, which you assumed was for him–especially since it was styled more minimalist.

Looking over the balcony railing allowed you to look down into the opulent and large entryway of the house, down past the fancy chandelier and at the black marble floor, light streaming in through windows on either side of the double doors. A double grand staircase connected the foyer below to the base of the U shaped balcony hallway, and you were already heading towards the top of the stairs.

You glanced over at the spiral staircase, wondering if you should head up there, first. You didn't know where Levi was–he wasn't in his bedroom, or any of the other rooms on this second floor. He could be upstairs or downstairs, and you knew nothing about him to be able to guess if it was more likely for him to be up or down.

Down would probably have your standard stuff–living room, kitchen, pantry, maybe another bathroom. But upstairs...upstairs could be all kinds of things. Maybe it was just a fancy attic. Maybe it was a study or a library, or a home theatre. Who knew? This was a mansion, wasn't it?

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