Part 5: The Reality, Faced Alone

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AN: Okay, so...this is a very heavy chapter (And the next chapter will be heavy as well). There's a lot going on, some sensitive topics, triggery topics, and I approached them the best that I could.  Next chapter is just as long/longer, and just as heavy, just...from Levi's POV.

Warnings: (All right, this is a big list...) Pregnancy, Unplanned/Unwanted Pregnancy, Depression, Fear, Stress, Loneliness, Abandonment, Mental Breakdowns, HEAVY ANGST, No Comfort, Mentions of Past Sexual Acts, (SPOILER, But I don't dare to NOT tag this) Near-Abortion (Let me add to this warning, that I personally believe it's an option that should be available to those who want it, this isn't meant to be anti-abortion, its just what this particular character decided. I wasn't intending this part to be any kind of political commentary, the character just decided that it wasn't for her and that she didn't almost do it because it was what she wanted, but out of fear), (SPOILER but I don't dare to NOT tag this) Child Death/Unborn Child Death, Grief, Loss.


*Reader's POV*

"I'm...I'm sorry?"

"You're pregnant. We did a test with the blood we took to test out some of our theories about what you've been sick with, and it came back positive. And blood tests in the lab are f are far more accurate than any over the counter test, so–"

"No, no, no, no. No! No, that's impossible, I haven't had sex outside my dreams in months, not even a quick hookup, it's literally impossible," you said frantically, getting to your feet and starting to pace. No, there was no way you were pregnant, it was impossible!

They were just dreams!

"You are. If your sexsomnia theory does have substance to it, then you might have slept with someone without realizing it. Whatever the case may be, it doesn't change the fact that you are."

"I'm not pregnant!" You yelled at him, feeling panic start to kick in.

You couldn't be. Not only was it impossible, you couldn't afford to be–you were a single working woman who barely got by as it was, you couldn't work a kid into the mix!

The doctor seemed to be taking your meltdown in stride, especially considering you came in here to talk about your trouble sleeping and were instead being told you had a baby growing inside you. He rolled over to the counter and scrawled something down on a paper, handing it over to you as he spoke.

"Well, if you need confirmation, I suggest Dr. Salazar. She's very good at what she does, she can give you visual confirmation, tell you how far along, answer any of your questions, including safe options to...opt out, if you choose to, given the...circumstances. She's worked with a lot of single mothers and unexpected pregnancies."

"Why did you even test for pregnancy, you asked me about sexual activity and everything the first time I came in," you croaked, feeling somehow detached from your body as you spoke through it.

"A hunch, actually. Maybe one that came around from your recent symptoms. Some of them sounded like pregnancy symptoms," he told you patiently. "Besides that, the tests came back negative, like I said. Whatever these dreams of yours were, or are, I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't have any more ideas."

"You're not the first doctor to tell me that," you said shakily, burying your face in your hands.

"Take all the time you need to process the news. Just be sure to check out with the nurse when you leave," he said softly before getting up from his chair and leaving you alone in the room.

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