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James' POV

Time to face the music, she isn't going to ever speak to me again. She won't even open the envelope. I have no hope
"Man stop over thinking it all" Eldon said trying to calm me down
"Over thinking! Man you weren't there! you didn't see how this all went down!" I said getting a little annoyed. That's a common thing for me at the moment
It's been a week since Piper and I went to Riley's corner. It was hard knowing that I couldn't just go there because I want to. I can't just go and hug her, she's pissed at me and man she has every right to be
"Look, they way I see it. You guys got past Beth and Alfie. What's one more?" West suggested earning the same look from both Eldon and I 
"The fact they've been through this before is a problem in it's own" Eldon said making my heart sink a little more. He was right
"Yeah that is common knowledge but I thought we weren't going to mention that. Considering the current state of play" West said shooting Eldon daggers, Eldon then looked at me, then back to West before going wide eyed
"hi budddyyyyy" He said giving me his smile. The one he always gives when someone is going through something and he knows he can't fix it


"how about we go out tonight" Eldon suggested, it was Friday night after all. I glance over the boys and as I do so, Riley walks in. Out gaze meets for a second before she breaks it causing my heart to sink further into my chest
The boys look over to where I was looking before glancing back at me with worry written on their faces
I love these boys like brothers but they aren't the most subtle of people
"Look lets head out" West suggested standing up, I glanced over at Riley before realising she was wearing it. There were three things in that envelope and the ring she's placed on a chain was one of them
She looked at me once more this time in no hurry to break eye contact, she offered me a small smile before the barista handed Riley her drink and she was on her way
"Staring isn't going to help you man" West said tapping my shoulder. Little did they both know, Riley had just restored the tiniest bit of hope I didn't even realise I needed 

Riley's POV

Walking into our usual spot with Michelle I felt slightly different this week. I knew no matter how much I wanted him here, James and the band would be able to be here to save the day when Michelle and I get a little too much. One of the many reasons I have decided not to drink tonight
"Michelle, I really don't know about this" I said going over to her with our drinks. Michelle seems to have already found her pick of the night
"comeon Riles. Let loose a little, you haven't got anything to lose" She said. I'm pretty certain she is already drunk but hell knows how.
"Look come to the table" I said pretty much peeling her off the guy. She whined before following me
I took one look at Michelle and I knew I was ruining her night. All I wanted was my old Friday nights back, I love Michelle. I really do but when it comes to ideas of good nights. We have a big difference
Michelle likes going out, drinking, making friends with random strangers while I. I like cosy movies on the sofa, ordering take out. Cuddling.. 
But I know I can't have that right now
I glance over at the door of the bar only as if on que it opens. Revealing West, James and Eldon. Eldon's gaze instantly meets mine to which he offers his warmest of smiles
My bet is, it was West's idea to come here tonight not expecting me to be here. Who would. I never do this kind of thing unless it is a group thing and well, if James is there

"I think I'm going to head out" I said, Michelle looked at me then to the boys at the door, she sighed and nodded knowing full well I couldn't stay there
If I had stayed, I knew it would be matter of moments before I confessed that I missed James
Because hell knows I do, it's all I think about. All I've wanted all week is for him to come into Riley's Corner. Alone might I add. I want him to tell me everything, I want to hear it from his mouth. I want him to make it all okay again

"Hey"  A voice said as I got to the curb in front of the bar, I turn to see Eldon stood there. I smile at him hoping it makes him realise I am okay but he shook his head coming over to hug me
"I know that's a fake smile Riley. I've known you since you were 3. You can't pull that crap with me" He chuckled as he finished our hug
"How is he doing?" I asked and Eldon nodded
"He's James. He won't stop talking about you, he wants to make things better but he just doesn't know how" he explained and I sighed
"I would have thought after all these years he would have figured that part out" Eldon said with a chuckle
"How are you doing though?" He then asked and I looked at him. I didn't want to break now but I knew I couldn't really hold it in
"I miss him" I replied and Eldon gave me a genuine smile
"Then why don't you tell him that Riles" He asked and I shrugged
"What he did, isn't what hurt me. It's the fact he didn't feel like he could tell me. How are we meant to build on any sort of something if he can't even talk to me" I said and Eldon nodded. I was right and I know I was. The key to all relationships is Communication
"You know what James is like. He works himself up in his own head and then always makes the wrong choice. But at the end of the day Riley, he loves you just as much as you love him" Eldon explained
"Love is all good and well Eldon but how many times do I need to get hurt till I pushed to the point of no return" I asked, Eldon looked at me a little worried and I'm worried to.
James and I have never had it easy, there has always been some sort of drama to follow us around. Maybe it's worth calling us quits before we get hurt again..

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