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Riley's POV

"Piper, I said I would help you with your solo not sit around so you can talk to Finn" I said raising my eyebrows at her. She flashed her big brown eyes in the hope of forgiveness making me roll mine
"Okay from the top" I replied following Piper along with the routine
"And a 5, 6, 7, 8" I called as we started turning
I stopped dancing to make sure she had it on her own
"And up!" I called to make sure that Piper lifted her frame
The dance was going great, it's one Piper tells everyone she is proud of and I couldn't be more happy to have been a part of it
"now what?" Piper asked as she finally came to a stop
"And now we go again" I laughed playing the song

I didn't want to be hard on Piper but hey, she's an A-Trouper this stuff should just be natural to her
I smiled as we finally finished off her 5th attempt at it
"Alright Pipes, you are done for the day today" I smiled earning a squeal from her as she hugged me
"Now isn't this cute" A voice said, a voice that send shivers down my spine.
"What are you doing here?" I asked narrowing my eyes at Lucas as he stood in the doorway
"Well I came to see you but this little one seems to be alright" He said stepping towards Piper. I pushed her behind me
"P go get James" I whispered as she took the back exit
"Now why on earth would you get your only support leave? You must be more stupid then I ever thought you were" Lucas laughed
Stand your ground Riley, don't let him scare you
"Now we are alone. Let's talk about this little hissy fit of yours" Lucas growled grabbing my wrist. His eyes were a new shade of black I hadn't seen before, best believe I've seen all the other shades
"Why can't you just leave me alone Lucas? I'm not coming back" I replied
"Me being here has no impact on your life, I'm merely getting mine back on track" I continued making him laugh
"You don't get it Riley. You are mine, you always will be and it is only a matter of time till you run back to me for forgiveness. So here I am offering it without a catch" He replied. I shook my arm out of his grip
"There isn't anything you can say or do to make me run back to you" I replied making him chuckle
He turned around before turning back to me
"Thought you might say that" He replied making a swing at me. I saw it coming and I thought I had enough time to dodge it but boy was I wrong
As soon as his hand made contact with my face I fell to the ground instantly
"I'll be back.. don't worry Riley, this won't be the last time you see me" He smiled walking out 

It felt like an eternity since he left but I know it's only been a matter of seconds. I hadn't managed to get back to my feet but I had managed to scoot into a corner bringing my knee's to my chest 
I told myself that when I left New York that was it, that was the hardest part over with but Lucas is showing me that is in fact not true. This was a war I started and a war that wasn't about to end anytime soon
"Riley!" I could hear James yelled as he came running into Studio A, his eyes landed on mine but I could barely see them through my tears, he ran over to me engulfing me into a hug instantly before gently stroking the cheek that he had just marked
"I'm sorry" I cried into his chest, I felt James press his lips against the top of my head
"You have nothing to be sorry about" He replied brining me closer 
I don't know why I ever had to get involved with Lucas. I should have seen it coming. I'm not worth loving, I'm not worth knowing.. It was written out in front of my before I could even try to rewrite it


James' POV

"Is she okay?" Theo asked as I walked back into the booth, I sighed and shook my head. I left Riley on the sofa the other side of the glass. She didn't want to be alone right now, I could tell but she was also getting mad at me for ditching the band
"Man this is so much worse then we thought" I replied and they all looked at me. I glanced over to see Ri hadn't fallen asleep on the sofa, I don't blame her this must have taken a lot out of her
"I found her huddled in a corner crying" I replied and the three of them glanced over to her
"You don't think?" Luke asked
I couldn't safely say no at this point.. When I first met get involved with Riley, she was a completely different person, she was constantly anxious and who could blame her she was living in Emily's shadow
There was stages where her Anxiety would win against her and each time that happened there was no telling what she would do. There have been times I've almost caught her doing things I never thought would have crossed her mind
Riley is one of the strongest people I have met but she is also her hardest critic and when she is in this level of harm, there is no telling what she would do to try and ease her pain
"All I know is if I ever see that guy again, so help me god" I said and all the boys nodded
"I don't think there is a shadow of a doubt when I say we'll help hide the body" John said making me smile a little
These are my boys and I couldn't thank them enough

Practice went on for a good hour and Riley didn't wake up for a single second of it, the boys had just left while I finished packing up the kit we used. The downside to working here is I actually have to clean up after myself
It wasn't long till the booth was in pristine condition. I walked out of the booth to see Riley still asleep on the sofa, I smiled looking at her. This was the first time in a while she looked at peace, like nothing could hurt her
"Ri" I whispered gently shaking her causing her to stir 
Moments later her hazel eyes were looking up at me a little confused, her eyes lids fluttered as she got used to the lights above her, after a second of two she finally slowly sat up allowing me to sit next her
Without a second thought I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and allowed her to lean on me. I think after they day she had the best thing I could do would be there for her right now
"Thank you for being there" she whispered as her head lay on my shoulder
"I'll always be there for you Ri" I replied stroking up and down her arm allowing her to relax in my arms  

Saving RileyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora