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Riley's POV

Walking around The Next Step a week later, I can't help but think that this place has helped me through so much. This place helped me grow as a person, yet in a matter of a couple years Lucas managed to scratch that away little by little. I hate that he managed that, I hate that this is what it came to, but I don't have a doubt in my mind that this place will help me rebuild what I lost
It was late and I was pleasantly surprised to hear music coming from Studio B,I walk in to see Piper dancing, I don't know what was going on but she was dancing on the verge of tears
She's dancing with a lot of passion
It reminds me of what I used to do when I used to do the exact same thing 
I continued to watch as she continued to dance, this clearly meant a lot to her 

"Wow Piper!" I clapped as she finished, she instantly got out of her position and looked at me with those same tears threatening to fall
"Want to talk to me about what has you so upset?" I offered as she bowed her head, I sighed and tapped the bench for her to join me as I sat down

Piper slowly came over still not wanting to look at me, probably hiding from the problem at hand and I can't fault her for it. I used to do that same
"P, it's me, you know you can talk to me about anything" I replied taking her hand that was trembling
"It's Finn. He told me he loved me" She whispered making me smile
"That's great isn't it? Why are you crying about it?" I asked slightly confused on how something like this could make her cry
"I ran out. He said it and I ran away from him Riley!" She exclaimed, I was shocked.. I didn't know what to say
"Why did you run away?" I asked
"Because I was too scared to say it back" She said bowing her head once more, I squeezed her hand
"Why Piper?" I asked
She didn't respond straight away, she took a moment to compose herself before looking at me
"I watched you and James fall in and out of love, I've watched how hurt you've both become through it all and I don't want that to happen" She said with her big brown eyes looking up at me
"Oh Pipes" I said hugging her close
Piper has been there through out everything with James and I, I never realised it took this much of a toll on her
"Listen to me okay, James and I never fell in and out of love. I will always love your brother just like I'll always love you. You're the little sister I always dreamed off. Yes James and I made some mistake along the way and hurt one another but when the time was right we were there for each other and that's what you need to remember" I said smiling at her
"I don't know Finn, but I can tell how he makes you feel by the way you talk about him. Love is a scary thing, I won't lie to you but I think Finn might just be your epic love" I smiled making her smile as she squeezed my hands again
"You think so?" She asked and I nodded
"You two have love written all over you, not it's your choice whether you jump" I smiled at her, she hugged me once more before then just resting her head on my shoulder
"Thankyou Riley" She replied as I rubbed her arm
"You are welcome P" I smiled 

After a long chat Piper and I agreed she would talk to Finn tomorrow when she has a clear head but for now I've been dragged to her parents house for dinner, James was already there after he heard Piper ran out of A-Troupe today
"oh my stars" Deborah said coming over scooping me into a hug
"Hey Deb" I chuckled hugging her back
"mum she needs to breathe Christ" I hear James call, as we pull away I can see him stood in the doorway of the kitchen
"I haven't seen her 3 years, if I let go she'll leave again" Deborah teased making me chuckle
James shortly came over to hug me before we all went and sat in the living room
"So Pipes, why did you leave dance early?" James asked alerting Deborah to the issue
"What?" Deb asked
"She didn't, she came to Studio B and hung with me for a little. I spoke to Miss Kate and it was all an misunderstanding" I replied. Deborah nodded happily with the answer, James on the other hand looked at me as if to say. I know you're lying
"So Riley, fill us in! What have we missed?" Antony asked coming to join us in the living room. He took a seat next to his wife as they boy stared at me in awe
"You haven't missed that much, I went to Julliard. Toured for a little and now I'm back home working at The Next Step" I smiled making them gleam
"We're so proud of you Riley" Deb said smiling at me once more
Growing up, James' parents have been one of my biggest supporters. Whether it was through dance or in my school work. They had faith when a lot of people didn't, I reckon it's where James' passion for seeing the best in people came from

"So want to fill me in now?" James asked as we sat on the bench in his parents back garden
"Do you remember what we used to do out here" I chuckled looking out onto the grass
"This is where I helped you learn you aerial isn't it?" he asked and I nodded
"And I helped you with you ballet technique" I smiled as James smoothly put his arm around me
"This place hasn't changed a bit" I replied, James chuckled lightly
"Of course it hasn't. Have you met my mother? She doesn't do change" He said making me laugh
Looking out into the garden again, I can't help but think about what could have happened if I hadn't gone to Julliard
"do you ever think about what would have happened if I had stayed?" I asked looking up at James
"I do, but I never liked the outcome" He responded
"What do you mean?" I asked
"When you left Riley and I saw you looking so happy with her your life was going, that is when i thought about it. I thought that if you had stayed here for me that we would have broken up regardless" He mumbled, this was merely making me more confused
"We would have broken up because I wouldn't have been able to handle you resenting me for making you stay" He whispered
"James. I would and could never resent you" I replied making him look at me this time
"I don't know, now when I think of it.. I wish you had never gone because then you wouldn't have met him" He replied making me nod
"But he doesn't matter anymore, so we are okay" I replied trying to keep him calm
"Do you ever wish you'd stayed?" James asked with his big brown eyes looking at me with hope
"Every single day" I smiled making him smile more 
It's the truth, this place is and always will be home. I'm glad I managed to experience Julliard when I did but I couldn't think of a better place to call home, these people are my family and nothing in New York could ever change that for even a second

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