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Riley's POV

Toronto was full of places James and I could go, plenty of things to do yet we can't decide on a single thing
"What about the dessert parlour?" I suggest and James pulled a face making me roll my eyes
"I know the perfect place but we need some supplies first" he said with a large smile on his face, I looked at him a little worried. Let's just say James' plans never really go to plan.. unless he has help of course but something tells me I wouldn't be allowed to help him
"Supplies for what?" I asked but James just merely chuckled as we got into his car
Was I worried? Yes
Was I going to let James do this alone? To some degree. If it gets bad I'll step in but I'm sure James has already given in to that

We were driving for maybe 25 minutes before James made his first stop, I looked at him a little confused
"Just wait here" he smiled before leaving me in the car, he looked so happy, who was I to ruin that
He returned a few minutes later with a paper bag full of something, it was clearly hot food of some sort because I could smell it. That smell was familiar but I couldn't picture where I had smelt it before
"Where to next?" I asked, James looked at me and smiled, it was the smile from when we were 16 and he had finally passed his maths exam meaning he could stay at the studio and it meant I would go on a date with him
"Let's go" he whispered as we pulled up to the park

This park, holy cow. I hadn't been back in here in years, this park used to be a big part of all our lives, a lot of mine and James' memories were in this place, it was the perfect place
I looked at James looked like a child on Christmas morning taking my hand and guiding me over to the old part of the park. It was the part he used to dance with west and some other people in his spare time away from the studio. It was also where James decided he was going to try and win me back and our first official date when we got back together
"This place hasn't changed a bit" I smiled looking around at all the graffiti on the stone wall, James smiled before showing me the one thing I completely forgot about
"I completely forgot about that" I replied with a laugh. Back when we got back together, James and I both signed the wall together and me being the romantic 17 year old I was, I put it in a low heart
"Some kids tried to cover it a few years ago and I was ready to drop kick some 12 year olds" James said making me laugh. This place was the main source of entertainment for James during his childhood, I'm just glad I got to experience that with him too

"Shawarma" I laughed knowing it as soon as he had unwrapped it
"Hell yeah" he replied handing me one of them, I haven't had one of these since I left Toronto
"You know, I don't think New York had these" I said, I mean I wasn't really looking for them but I feel like I would have noticed
"No way! They are missing out" James said delving into his food. I laughed as he had sauce dripping from his chin, taking a napkin I wiped it causing James to smile at me.
"Thanks" he said with a mouthful of shawarma, I won't lie. It wasn't his best look
We continued to eat, from all the years I've known James and all the shawarma's we've eaten together, I've learnt that he likes to sit back and smell the shawarma which also means, don't bother him while he is in the presence of one
I continued to laugh a little as I had to periodically wipe his chin. It is obvious his eating habits haven't changed
"Now, Riley" James said scooting closer as he finally finished eating
"Now James" I said placing my hand on my chin as he looked at me smiling
"Do you remember that one time, we came here with West and Eldon, before internationals?" He asked and I chuckled nodding
"Back when Eldon would argue with you daily about letting him date Thalia?" I asked and he nodded
"Do you remember what I said to you that day?" He asked and I furrowed my brows
"Well we said a lot that day, I'm gonna need a little bit more then that" I laughed making him laugh too
"It was just after I explained to Eldon I wasn't going to let him date until he did the pirouettes" he replied and shrugged, that was something he said most hours of the day if Eldon or Thalia were around
"You started to side with him and say that he's gotten over Emily and Michelle" he continued
"Oh yeah I said that he was just a little boy back then" I answered at James and he nodded
"And my reply was" he asked
"It's not about getting over things, it's about getting through them" i smiled, making James smile with a subtle nod
"Who knew back then I would be giving advice we would need at a later date"he chuckled. James wasn't the smartest pickle in the pot but he certainly had his moment
"I'm so proud of you" he whispered, I looked at him confused, I hadn't done anything
"He's here roaming the streets but you aren't settling, you aren't letting him win" he said making me smile. If James wasn't around then I would have crumbled a long time ago
"It's because of you James" I replied
"Ri you need to give yourself more credit. It isn't easy going though what you are. Yes you have me, the boys and TNS there to support you when you need but this is all you" he replied, I took a hold of his hand intertwining out finger making him look down at them smiling
"I couldn't do any of this without you James, it's always been you, I'll always chose you" i whispered. James looked down at me with his brown eyes gleaming, in this very moment he was happy and for what feels like the first time in forever so was I and it was all because of James

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